Tolerance for hate hoaxes...

While your admission of race obsession is appreciated, maybe you'd like to mention which other race or what country outside the west is more welcoming to minority groups, because polling suggests that western white majority countries have not only the lowest in group preference of any group, but white liberals actually have a bias against themselves.

if the countries were composed of the types of people I highlighted in the pictures a few posts above, you wouldn't have immigration policy the likes that you have now thanks to Liberals
So someone having black friends is racist because you think they would only have black friends to prove they aren't you have serious issues

No but I'm pointing out that racists often use the cliché "I'm not racist, in fact one of my very good friends is black, but....."

It's a demonstration of civil unrest after years and years of unfair treatment by the white establishment. Things have only started being less overtly bad for black people since then, but still there is a lot of discrimination.

Now the white people in this thread are screaming bloody murder for an infinitely smaller amount of bias and prejudice against them.
Because we aren't the companies that supposedly didn't hire them, we are not the establishments that discriminated against them. Over 98% of us are just trying to live our life in peace, we have no control over black people's lives.
Since you are so concerned, what are you personally doing to make a difference?
Well, this wouldn't happen if these fucking racist/LGBTphobic institutions didn't make people feel this way. They're just trying to show everyone what their reality is.

Exorcist 2 is not cannon to the exorcist series. It isn't mentioned in 3.

Legion (Book for Exorcist 3) was much better than the movie, though the movie had some great scenes. But Blatty directed it and seemed to have insisted on word-for-word delivery of the script with little to no ad-lib, which, at times, made it seem like a play more than a movie. Also the Kinderman and Father Dyer's friendship was a bit odd considering they supposedly built their friendship over a non-existant mutual friendship with Father Karras (Kinderman only met Father Karras on two occasions and engaged in mild banter with him. They weren't friends).

Despite these major gaffs, Exorcist 3 has good horror merit for the genre. But doesn't hold a candle to the original.

This makes a lot of sense:

Cast Savage Streets [edit]
  • Pazuzu as Brenda
  • Linnea Quigley as Heather
  • Robert Dryer as Jake
  • John Vernon as Underwood
  • Sal Landi as Fargo
  • Johnny Venocur as Vince
  • Scott Mayer as Red
  • Deborah Blee as Rachel
  • Lisa Freeman as Francine
  • Marcia Karr as Stevie
  • Luisa Leschin as Maria
  • Ina Romeo as Stella
I guess the exorcism failed.