To All The MMA Purists


Blue Belt
Mar 30, 2010
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Shut the F*&^ up already. We know your so above the WWE crowd that you need to tell them at every opportunity. If you feel so shit about your life that you have to pretend you're better than people who are entertained by trash talk then you need to examine your life and find something else to be proud of.
here are some more fights with trash talk for you, right up your alley

MMA is fake


Sooooo your a fan of gossip girl is what your really saying?

Its ok i wont judge.
Hey man calm down we're all friends here
So you want it to be more like Pro wrestling, or your mad at people who don't want it to be like Pro wrestling? Either way it's coming off as a bit whiny.
So you want it to be more like Pro wrestling, or your mad at people who don't want it to be like Pro wrestling? Either way it's coming off as a bit whiny.

Want it to be what? Who said shit about that? I just want these douchebag losers to stop pretending they're so uber cool with their "MMA should be pure bro!" bullshit.
Want it to be what? Who said shit about that? I just want these douchebag losers to stop pretending they're so uber cool with their "MMA should be pure bro!" bullshit.
Fair enough
Shut the F*&^ up already. We know your so above the WWE crowd that you need to tell them at every opportunity. If you feel so shit about your life that you have to pretend you're better than people who are entertained by trash talk then you need to examine your life and find something else to be proud of.

Before this group of noob purists came along, there was a previous group of Vale Tudo true purists who believed that a fight should be won by strikes or submission.
So training striking/submissions was the answer.

Then this obnoxious noob gang showed up.
It became about control, TD's, defending TD's, "outstriking" by landing 2 baby strikes for ever strike you receive, and the worst development of them all, Fightmetric.
But its such a target rich environment!

We hear this not a draw shit all time.

Its a balancing act between sport purists and wwe fans, the ufc should walk the middle path but has strayed to far into wwe territory.
Shut the F*&^ up already. We know your so above the WWE crowd that you need to tell them at every opportunity. If you feel so shit about your life that you have to pretend you're better than people who are entertained by trash talk then you need to examine your life and find something else to be proud of.

not just mma purists...anyone over the age of 12 should be ashamed of watching wwe.
Nothing wrong with being a redneck TS, be proud.