Tito - "I'm only 43 years old, I'm an old mature, I'm a mature old, I'm very fast"

This message board is like a version of Alzheimer’s, the same topics and memes round and round. There’s been like a hundred Tito can’t talk threads, at least be original.
My neighbor is 103 years old, therefore I'm in great shape.

Like mature, fast shape.
I watched part of UFC 18 from 20 years ago on YouTube and Tito was already like this, so this goes beyond the scope of CTE.

"He's reaching for those grapes, he's trying to make his wine, and the wine's already sounding...like a violin with that cheese and wine"
you have got to be joking

No are you? See I am an old school fan. I did not start watching when Conor first showed up. Also a big fan of Tito and all he did for the sport. So if you want to debate Tito with me. Bring a lunchbox son..
laundry list of excuses every time he lost
Wish I could blame it on CTE...

But he’s sounded like an idiot for almost his entire career...
LOL true. definitely not CTE, he was saying this sort of nonsense when he was 23 haha
You sound like a dumb motherfucker, Noam Chomsky is a rambling moron.

Who the fuck are you to call an accomplished academic like Chomsky a moron?

Let me guess, a right wing snowflake?