Tim Kennedy Held USADA at Gunpoint

17 ain't no boy look at sage northcutt
There arent too many unarmed 17 year old boys I would fear. And if I did fear them I would call the police and stay away. Amazing how may 'Muricans are afraid to address actual issues and continue to make excuses.
lol "may have been head smashing at some point" - I will rephrase my prior comment. If someone's smashing your head on a ground or floor type surface, you shoot the motherfucker.

If you're a kid minding his own business and some dude rolls up on you, then gets out of the vehicle and chases you as you run away, then maybe you have the right to pound that asshole's head into the grass.

As Rollins has said, if you're from a bad neighborhood and a car slowly rolls up on you it is either 'bangers or the cops. If you're black neither one of those is likely to be a good thing.

If Trayvon Martin was looking down from above now he would likely say, "Those assholes, they always get away."
When you know that someone can come to your house to drug test you at any time, yes, it is unreasonable to grab a gun and point it at a stranger. That's reckless endangerment. I have many friends who own guns and I'm currently looking to buy one for myself, though more for target shooting than home defense. I'm 100% in favor of gun ownership. The thing is, when people take reckless actions or commit an atrocity with a firearm, you get a lot of people looking to restrict gun ownership. Guns aren't the problem, people who are mentally and/or emotionally unstable are the problem. Not trying to turn this into a debate on guns, but my point is, taking actions like this are dangerous to other people and also lead to new, more restrictive gun laws. People who pull their gun out just because someone parks in front of their house probably shouldn't have guns.

I see your argument. I'm not trying to make you out as if you were against civil rights. I just think that given Kennedy's somewhat unique situation he's likely to be given more leeway. And he was. Apparently the police didn't think he crossed any legal lines.
tim kennedy is a nobody ISIS wouldn't even bother killing him

Nobodies is exactly who ISIS kills: Christians, Jews, gays, moderate Muslims. If they were killing celebrities things would be very different. If ISIS went after Beyonce we'd already have carpet bombed the shit out of them. (I realize that carpet bombing has been used in the past forty years or so, but it's a nice expression.)
- $30B in public aid in 2012
- $10B in aid for the 2004 tsunami
- $15B annually teaching and building in the most impoverished countries in the world
- Runs the PeaceCorps
- Helped stop one of the most evil empires the world has ever seen
- Gave Europe and Japan money to rebuild
- Created and enforced the law of the seas
- Rampant technological advancement
- Extensive, mutually-beneficial trade with nations around the globe
- Defeated imperialism
- Defeated communism
- Liberated Kuwait
- Helped establish the United Nations
- Created NATO
- Prevented genocide in Kosovo and Libya
- Created the internet
- Rampant medical advancement
- Rampant scientific advancement
- Ridiculous amounts of aid for Africa and other impoverished places
- Space exploration
- Vaccines

Could go on for hours. Fucking evil bastards.

See above post. Will not read or respond to more off topic comments.

LOL at defeated imperalism. Imperalism is still alive today buddy, and the US is the number 1 offender.

Also look up the the history of the IMF because you talk like someone with no knowledge of policy lending and the failure of forced neoliberal austery onto the Third World.
LOL at defeated imperalism. Imperalism is still alive today buddy, and the US is the number 1 offender.

If you go through the whole list you can discount almost every bullet point. But it is a waste of time trying to discuss reality with people like that.
can you lame kids please stop with this meme? it was funny the first 600 times it was used.

Thank you. that's so tired and so unoriginal, it should be completely evaporated from all of cyberspace, along with anyone that ever uses it again.
I'm sherdog macho man and personally if ISIS was hunting me and a strange agent showed up at my house I wouldn't need a gun. A gun is a coward's weapon and achieves nothing that I can't achieve with a flying gogoplata.

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