Throwing the opponent out of the cage?

Everyone knows that the first man out of the cage wins in a cage match.
It would be hilarious, but if you don't like waiting on fighter injuries, you will see a big increase in it if this was ever to become legal.
I wish an opponent gets thrown out of the cage and lands on the judges.
...shake hands after the fight, acknowledge each other and blah blah?

Personally I don't like having long lasting beefs against people, but you think it would take some 'truth' out from all the pre-fight chaos?
I believe Tank Abbott came the closest to actually doing this and that they made the cage taller after that to prevent it.

This was the set - up:


^ This was the one I was going to mention and I witnessed it only recently on one of the UFC documentaries on NetFlix. Had no idea it had actually almost happened!

Thanks for throwing it up NHB7.