This forum has done a complete 180 on DC his past 2 fights


Rent-paying tenant cat
Aug 21, 2011
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And i gotta say, probably the proudest ive ever been of you sherdog. Welcome aboard the train bitches!!!

Been a fan for a long time never could understand the Hate .
and now he's the only good thing left @ LHW
DC is a beautiful ambassador of MMA.

Anyone who understands real fighting admires Daniel.
Just wait until he's holding 2 belts. He'll finally get the respect he deserves.

Great champ, even better human.
I've only grown to love the guy more. He was already a great fighter, but seriously the more you learn about the man the more you realize what a legit good person and role model he is. Fan of his analytical work too.
Fuck the haters, DC is the fucking man
He changed too. Appears a lot more humble since the Jones fight.
I never understood why DC had a bad rep to begin with lol
Been behind DC the whole time. I was disgusted with the booing and shit he was getting at pressers, etc. And, it was all at the behest of a scumbag, cheater.

Still too many douchebags clinging to Jones’ scrote. But, once a douchebag...
Fairweather trendsluts. Down with DC since bigfoot fight. Oppurtunistic nutfleas! All hail champ huge balls.
I only support him when it helps rise my status on the sherdog social ladder.
DC idk why is one of those guys for me that I just hate seeing win all the time
War Champ Huge Balls!
Never understood the hate he received, people actually cheered for Jones over DC. A man who’s a proven cheeter and a terrible human being. I guess MMA fans are mostly D-bags.
In my opinion, Jones drew out a more unlikeable side of DC. Say what you want about never understanding the hate, but I definitely felt like he had a chip on his shoulder and went out of his way to push himself as the "good guy", and I can see why that can be irritating to some.

Now that Jon is out of the picture, DC is acting a lot more like he used to during his Strikeforce days, which is when I really started liking the guy.
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Because us sherdoggers respect fighters who move up in weight.

Stipe by tko.
DC was always my friend.

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