Their guard or your guard?

Their guard for sure, I'll never pull guard unless the guy's not so good.
I will pull guard and look for sweeps to get on top

I prefer the top but I will use my guard game to get me there.
My guard. I prefer it better then being in theres cause I got strong legs and I developed stronger grip. At times i'll start from there guard so i could practice on my weakness
neither, i prefer overpowering them into either a front headlock, back control or side control
I like to start from my butterfly guard when we go from the knees. A lot of guys will pull closed guard, or do midget judo/wrestling, but I mostly just chill in butterfly and work for a sweep. Once I'm on top I worry about control first. Then I work on isolating an arm or getting a good collar grip for a choke, or whatever sub I want to go for.
i used to pull guard all the time for my first year, now i'm always trying to play the top more right off the bat.
In tournaments with time, I prefer top game. In class and rolling always start guard, closed first, then open finally the half.
I'm more comfortable pulling guard. But I need to develop a top game sooner or later.
I will pull guard and look for sweeps to get on top

I prefer the top but I will use my guard game to get me there.

Thats exactly what I do, there is just too many instances where the other guy will only want to stay at top and will not try going to guard. Rather than waste your sparring time, just go into guard and sweep them to get on top rather than locking horns whilst both of you are on your knees.

If they just sit down and pull guard then thats fine, I get to practice guard passing and my top game without having to get the sweep.

Against much bigger guys I prefer to go to open guard.