The WMMA GOAT likes her fries with ice cream

Yes, it is. And yes, I avoid poisoning myself with fructose - a sugar that has the heaviest load on the liver, since liver is the only organ in the body that can metabolize fructose in any noticeable amounts. And yes, I do avoid modern mutant fruits selectively bred to contain as much fructose as physically possible. It is a layman's mistake to think modern fruit is "healthy".
I always cringe when I see professional fighters destroying their body with sugar. I mean, your body is your everything, you have to take care of it meticulously and you're poisoning yourself with sugar? My liver hurts just from seeing this.

Fries and ice cream is great, perfect combo of salty and sweet.

There's an evolutionary reason for this, but yeah, it's definitely worth a try for anyone who thinks it's gross. I usually recommend a shake, maybe a Wendy's Frosty, then just dip them fries.
1) Dipping fries in hard-serve, strawberry ice cream? That's serial killer behavior.
2) Not the WMMA GOAT
I’ll dive into McDonald’s for Fries and a Sundae — quick go-to snack

the only acceptable thing to put on fries is ketchup or vinegar anything else and youre a sick freak
I always cringe when I see professional fighters destroying their body with sugar. I mean, your body is your everything, you have to take care of it meticulously and you're poisoning yourself with sugar? My liver hurts just from seeing this.
You're gonna critique her, a world class athlete in multiple disciplines, about her diet. C'mon, man! Girls a trained killer and the most skilled fighter, male or female, in all of MMA. She never let's herself go like Honda did. What is she supposed to be a robot that never gets to enjoy life?

Think before you post stupid shit like this. Do you think she's eating crap like this on the regular? SMDH. But yeah, sugar is turrible for you if you eat as much as the typical Murican. The average woman here is just south of obese on the BMI scale.
Valentina bless. As a fan, I will try this combo myself.

Sugar isn't inherently bad, it's overconsumption that is the problem. And athletes can handle more of it since they are burning it off through their regular activities.

That poster is a frigging idiot