The videos are here S&P lol, powerlifting comp. Maori.

I think McLovin is stronger than me. :icon_cry2
Good Job!

No offense but damn, you're skinny!
Good lifts. You're a strong motherfucker.

PS: Don't eat more because then you'll be way bigger and stronger* than me.

*You're already stronger than me
I was fat and short when I was 16. Now I am fatter and shorter.
lol I know. I do eat like a horse, but I suppose I could eat more, 2 portions of rice and 6 handfuls of pasta now lol

Thanks for the feedback everyone, I appreciate it.
Good job man! You'll be a very strong man one day. The squat and bench look'd like you had another 10kg in the tank and the deadlift was super easy looking and with all back pull. Get your DL tech together and you'll be pulling 250 in no time.
Awesome fucking job man. Now eat like crazy and pound your squat and bench like a madman. Your pull is awesome.
Good job man.

*tries to suppress teepee developing in pants
Nice squat depth. Keep on rockin'.

The DL video wasn't available when I went to look at it.
Youtube fucks up sometimes after you initally upload it, it will sort itself out shortly.

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