The UkraineTrain's training.

Bogdan Bozhinov

Amateur Fighter
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
I have been lifting for couple of years with a lot of inactivity/inconsistency. I hope this log helps me to track my progress. I train mainly in college weightroom, and strarted doing heavy reps/power/olympic lifts this spring quarter. My stats are:
Weight: 140
Height: 5'8'' (173cm for metric ppl)
Goals: add 3 lbs BW in 3 weeks, before spring quarter ends.
Learn better squat technique, build up my legs a bit.

Current lifting stats: (PR's)

SOHP: 110x5, 50x4 dumbells.
BP: 185, couple of years ago, but now I can do 155x5
Pullups: 20 (BW, strict)
Poweclean: 165
Squat: no current max. 165x5, struggling.
Deadlift: 353 lbs (~160 kgs, we have kg plates on the platform.)

Goals: SOHP 135
Squat 205 (no belt, low)
Front squat: 135 (met, 5 reps)
Do conditioning, run 1.5 miles every other day.
Ukarine is not weak! Welcome aboard...

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Ha! I only seen this vid couple of months ago, I didn't know what the ppl in high school were talking about, I was pissed, lol.
lifted strict overhead press 110x5
tried to lift 352 dl with no warmup, failed
after little rest, switched to sumo stance, lifted very smoothly. My lockout feels very easy, I have problem getting starting torque, thats why I switched to sumo.
Then I lifted it one more time. 2 sets of 1 x353
lightened it to 292(my bros couldn't lift as much, struggled with this one as well) 292 x 5 reps., then tried 242 with palms out/reg grip.Was very slippery, but I did 2 reps of that. 242 with snatch wide grip=teh fail. Did some pullups and dumbell ohps 45x5x2 and 50x3x2.
welcome to the forum.

Have you tried one arm pull ups, headstand push ups, or any other tough bw exercises?

what type of conditioning do you do?

I would thoroughly warmup before deadlifts...pulling your back is very be careful...

Are you from Ukraine? if so what part? were you born there?
Thank you, devilsson.
Yes, I can do 1 armed pullup with each hand (12.5'' pythons!) I can do standing backflip with good landing, does that count as bw excercise? Basically, I don't do much conditioning, besides when I go do BJJ/MMA. Yeah, that could be a good idea.
Yes, my back is very sore now, especially lower. I looked around our gym, and I didn't see any lifting belts. My lower back is usually very sore after squats/deads. I am from Urkaine, have lived in the US for 10 years now.

War Ukraine!
That guy is from the same Ukranian state/(oblast') as me.:D
I'm starting to feel much smoother when shadowboxing because of increased leg streght.
I have a picture from last summer's grappling exhibition, if anyone cares.
Very cool that you can do 1 armed pull ups. I have been working on it for a while.

You probably should step up conditioning....since you are a fighter/grapper much as I love to lift heavy iron...for a fighter strength is useless if that fighter runs out of gas.......I would make conditioning forum of this site your new best friend and join all the monthly challenges...

I visited Kiev a few years ago. My dad's side is from there although I was born in a different soviet republic....

where u at now?
I had a terrible gas out in January fight. I couldn't really work on my conditioning leading up to it because I had flu/cold for two weeks, leaving me 1 week to do it. Right now I do not have any fights coming up, so I'm using this time to build up my strength to be more competitive in my weight class. Basically right now I have explosive speed, little endurance, moderate strength. ~10-12%BF @ 140, maybe less.
I live in Washington State, in Spokane.
Wednesday, may 21, bench day
wide grip no swing pullupsx15, BW, hang in top position on top 30sec on 15threp
inner grip chinupsx3, hang in half rep for 30 secs
side raises with 10lbs
Jump rope-3 rounds while watching espn boxing. Pretty hard, exhausting.
I had a terrible gas out in January fight. I couldn't really work on my conditioning leading up to it because I had flu/cold for two weeks, leaving me 1 week to do it. Right now I do not have any fights coming up, so I'm using this time to build up my strength to be more competitive in my weight class. Basically right now I have explosive speed, little endurance, moderate strength. ~10-12%BF @ 140, maybe less.
I live in Washington State, in Spokane.

Where do you train out of? I'm not too far from ya (Castegar, BC, Canada), like 3 hour drive. I was supposed to fight a guy from TKO in Spokane last year.
I train at BJJ Spokane. I haven't trained much recently though.
Friday, May 23
15x45(bar) back squat
10x95 front squat
5x115 front squat, cross hand
5x135 front squat, clean grip, hurt my wrists
5x185 squat, no padding no belt,
3x185 squat, belt didn't help much, really struggling
3x185 squat, barely completed, shaking and leaning forward
3x10x230 calf machine, (hyperthrophy, lol)
8 pullups, wide, exhausted from squats, stretching
Did some light rolling and bagwork yesterday.
Today, after long layoff, did more grappling. I still have speed (almost spaz-like,lol), but my timing and conditioning is a little off. Did some sparring (boxing) with stocky Latino (Julio). He's about an inch shorter, but has like 40-50 lbs on me. I tried bodyshots, and worked some jabs to body and head. He had an awkward rhytm, I had some trouble landing combos. He did crazy jumping left hooks, although the pace was pretty slow, he hits hard. Got hit by one of those flush in the chin while working a combo on him. I tried to inside fight, but got little nervous, cause of his power. Did couple of checks with jab and hook when he was rushing in. Also, worked on my blocks a bit after I got hit hard.
videotape yourself squatting and post a video.

You might be doing several things wrong. Also belt helps with core stability. You have to remember to take a deep breath and push out with your abs against the belt on every rep. Most belts are shitty however. Many lifters on this forum switched to Inzer Lever 13mm or 10mm belts. They cost a bit more but they last a lifetime and provide much better support on the squats and other exercises.
I believe what troubles me is inflexibility of ankles/hip/ in general. I really have to bend forward to sit in ATG even with no weight. That or I roll straight back.:redface: I may or may not get a vid. Anyway today I went to weightroom with no energy, but worked up a little sweat afterall:
Pullups/hang stretch
3x110 SOHP from clean
5x110 SOHP
5x110 SOHP
4x110 SOHP + last rep push-press
2x135 Bench (odd:icon_conf) my shoulders sore and back in general, from grappling
1x309 deadlift (regular stance) Kinda hard
1x309 deadlift (sumo)
3x309 deadlift (sumo, switching grip every rep)
5x309 deadlift tore my hands a bit, callouses
hang stretch