The Top 20 World's Strongest Animal Bite Forces, Measured in PSI (NEW!)

^^^...or that a domestic dog has a stronger bite than a wolf.
Awesome thread. Tons of myths debunked. Thanks TS.
Another funny thing about bite forces compared to actual fighting prowess, alot of these animals that have massively powerful bites get beat up or killed by animals with lesser bites. And it's mostly big cats whooping on the others.

I saw a story where a Tiger (can't remember which type) hunted down a gator or croc (can't remember exactly, lol) and killed it after she discovered her cubs were eaten by the thing. The pictures it showed consisted of the tiger on the massive reptile's back delivering the death blow by biting its neck.

Lions always beat up hyenas too, that much is obvious. Hippos beat up on the crocs too (maybe it's gators?).
I encountered a huge snapping turtle as a child.. I think it was a state record. It had to be. My father didn't kill it or anything like that so, chill.

We did want to see it strike though, the thing bit a two by4 in half with one snap of it's jaws, I shit you not. I refused to swim in the lake for about a year and have had two tortoises as pets over the years

Wtf? Tigers have that much more bite force than a Lion??

And Gorillas at 1300psi is just insane.
that silverback looks like he's getting ready to get shit done.
9. Spotted/Striped Hyena

Their teeth are more specialized for consuming coarse food, crushing and digesting large bones. Their milk contains one of the richest calcium of all land predators, from bones they eat. PSI: 1100
Fuck cow milk. It's all about that hyena milk.

Hyena milk > Deer antler spray > Horse meat.
Another funny thing about bite forces compared to actual fighting prowess, alot of these animals that have massively powerful bites get beat up or killed by animals with lesser bites. And it's mostly big cats whooping on the others.

I saw a story where a Tiger (can't remember which type) hunted down a gator or croc (can't remember exactly, lol) and killed it after she discovered her cubs were eaten by the thing. The pictures it showed consisted of the tiger on the massive reptile's back delivering the death blow by biting its neck.

Lions always beat up hyenas too, that much is obvious. Hippos beat up on the crocs too (maybe it's gators?).

Lions dont always beat up Hyenas they have a long standing rivalry

Also, yes the Hippos run Africa. The saltwater crocs want nothing to do with them. Crocs attack anything that comes in their territory except for a hippos
You see cases of chimps attacking humans and absolutely destroying them, can you imagine what a Silverback would do to a person?
Brown bear, Kodiak, and grizzly are all the same bear. STUPID
I didnt realize Mastiffs have a stronger bite that Rottweilers

Makes sense in a way Mastiff is the largest (mass) dog on average. I own one, he doesn't bite me, but he DESTROYS toys like a boss.
I love that crocs are still around.

They give us a glimpse of how monstrous Dinosaurs really were
Wtf? Tigers have that much more bite force than a Lion??

The Amur or Siberian tiger is the largest subspecies of the Panthera genus, known to weigh up to 800 lbs (360 kg),[11] while large African lions weigh up to 550 lbs (250 kg).[12] Average weight males is 181 kg for African lion,[13] 221.2 kg for Bengal tiger and 230 kg for Siberian tiger.[14]
Really, I don't like seeing any animals getting hurt, really upsetting to me. If they're not going to show animal vs. animal confrontations, I love to watch it - but 2 scenes I'll never forget - stopped me from watching these nature shows..

1. Showed this little spider monkey in the trees, little tiney guy... a lot bigger monkey was chasing him up the trees, caught him and pulled all his limbs off and ate him. But, the death screams from the little monkey. I can't see porn on my tv, but they show that horrific shit. Don't get it. I'll never forget the screams from the poor little guy.

2. Lions - as territorial as they are.... Young roaming lion appears upon a pride, headed by this (getting on in years) older lion. The young lion slaughters the old lion, kills all the cubs...fucks the female, enpregnates her...this is now my family.

Savage. I get it's nature, how things work. Just upsetting to see for me. Don't like seeing animals getting hurt.

The one that upset me really bad was the one where a young female chimp has a still born baby. She won't except its dead and carrys the body for 2 weeks till she comes terms. What upset me was how human they are.
Not only are most of these animals massive, weighing hundreds of pounds, many are pure muscle.

It is really a wonder that humans survived living alongside even more dangerous creatures. The men and women who not just lived but prospered in such conditions are the unsung heroes of humanity.
Cool pictures, and
wall of text.
Gators look slow.

*The Silverback looks like he would kill a person in most brutal fashion.

Gorillas are calm and mellow most of the time, and not nearly as strong and powerful as people make them out to be. They coud definitely kill a person, but I'd be more comfortable around a gorilla than a bengal tiger.
Man, their vicious beasts, whew...

Hate the fuckers :icon_lol:

1 on 1 I love watching Lions manhandle these fuckers - but the bastards always travel in massive packs.

Two posts later...

Really, I don't like seeing any animals getting hurt, really upsetting to me. If they're not going to show animal vs. animal confrontations, I love to watch it - but 2 scenes I'll never forget - stopped me from watching these nature shows..

Mind = Boggled.
what about the giant squid, i remember seeing somewhere it had in the thousands PSI

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