The robots will never take over in a Terminator type scenario. What will happen is...

Who was phone?

May 28, 2016
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....we will become the robots. There will be no AI.

That is where humanity is going. Non-biological humans. Do you realize how close we are to this happening already? They are right now developing a synthetic skin that is to be put over prosthetic limbs. This skin has microsensors that can detect all the signals real skin does. It will be used so that amputees can feel with their prosthetic limbs. And that's great. But it will not stop there.

They are also currently working to map every cell in a human brain. Once that happens, they will be able to upload your consciousness into a computer. But not only your consciousness, but all of the combined knowledge of humanity along with it. Imagine being you, but your brain also has the entire internet in there with everything that makes you "you." You would know everything and be able to recall anything in fractions of a second.

Once they map out the brain, they will use a 3d printer to print a synthetic brain, using a polymer that acts like human tissue and has a self healing factor that is actually much faster than human skin. This polymer already exists. They call it the "terminator" polymer. It's real, and we have it right now.

This is where I see humanity going, and it's scary. But I see the appeal of it as well. Imagine being you, but knowing everything that humanity knows and having access to humanity's combined knowledge in fractions of a second. Imagine having a machine body (non-biological) that would allow you to live for thousands of years. Imagine not needing oxygen or sleep or food anymore. You could live on other planets. You could explore the deepest parts of the ocean. You could basically do anything that our bodies do not currently allow.

But you would no longer be biological. You will have become a machine. The machines will have risen, and overtaken humanity. And people will have voluntarily and excitedly allowed this to happen. They will have made it happen, themselves.

I just think this is a different take on the "robots uprising" scenario, and it's much more realistic. And it's happening right now. And I think it's kind of scary. But it raises all kinds of interesting questions and possibilities.
As Paul Bettany said, "...the evolution of man and machines are inextricably linked."
Well I, for one, welcome our new Cyborg overlords:)
Too late... @Lethal is already working hard to make it happen...
Ghost in the Shell
The beget take on the "robots uprising" scenario is that its not actually a thing

@Who was phone? Vs. @DataBreach

Interesting post Who was phone?

The Bible predicts this time in

Revelations 9:6

"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

This technology being introduced to humanity at a rapid speed without humans taking the time to fully understand the full implications at hand, one could speculate that humanity is being guided forward blindly by a "hidden hand".

Man integrating with Machine and gaining the capability to live forever, in their short-sighted look most men would gladly accept this offer but in reality it is a deal with the devil.

Here is when Revelations 9:6 comes into play and is telling man to not accept the beast system that will take away his ability to die and ascend into the next dimension or the spiritual world (heaven).

The great deception is LIVE NOW! All around you!

I always think about Darpa / Google's Regina Dugan speech where she is pimping out the "Mark of the Beast" chip technology and that kids will eventually accept it because its cool and trendy.

(Scary Stuff right here, what she is talking about is the "Mark of the Beast" that Revelatons talks about)

Mark of the Beast

Revelations 13:16-17

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads;

17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the bumber of his name.

18: Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred threescore and 6. (666).

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I guarantee you one thing, TS: if the kind of life-extending technology you describe ever becomes a reality, it will be available only to the very rich and powerful. The rest of us will grow old(if we're lucky)and die.
Nope. Our nervous system is too complex to ever map out. Our alien forefathers might have something like this but when they mated with apes, we inherited the biological aspects of the apes which is years of evolution
A human brain in a powerful machine is even more threatening. At least we could rely on logic and reason from a cyborg.
Nope. Our nervous system is too complex to ever map out.

Nothing is too complex to ever map out. Not when you have the right people and programs working on it.

A human brain in a powerful machine is even more threatening. At least we could rely on logic and reason from a cyborg.

Exactly. It's much worse than a terminator scenario.