The Official Procrastination thread


Gold Belt
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
One of the many cancers that will lead this human species into ruin is Procrastination, what you NOT doing right now?? that you know you should be doing, because you know its right.


For example today i was gotta start to shave for work but i didnt, i was gonna buy clothes yesterday but i didnt because fuck it right, share and become rehabilitated, the future is in your hands
I'm supposed to be installing laminate in the kids' play room but instead I'm playing world of tanks for an hour.
I plan to add more to this thread. I'll start later today. Honest.
I need to get my taxes done..haven't.

Right now I have 2 1/2 hrs until work and I should be running errands and getting supplies for WizardCon this weekend but we'll see if it happens ...maybe Thursday
damnit you joke stealing fucks came before me

its what i get for waiting
Procrastination is like masturbation.

In the end, you're only fucking yourself.
I'll post in this thread later when I have time.
Fuck that shit.... hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off right fucking now!
Sherdog was made for procrastinating.
Vasectomy. I've definately been putting that off.
Never do today what can be put off until tomorrow.