The Official "How do you feel now that you eat good?" Thread.


Doctor of Doom
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Feb 22, 2005
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Alright kids, leave us keep the positive energy flowing with sharing what conclusions we've drawn at this stage now that many of us have cleaned up our eating as much as humanly possible. Bits and pieces of this information is scattered throughout the Forum, but here's where we can all bask in the success of not being retarded as far as eating regimens are concerned and share in what we've learned.

No singing of "Kumbaya" though.

I'll go first:

I can honestly look back and say that in my younger days despite having trained much more than most of my peers the ONE thing I was totally fucked up on is eating and supplementing. I never knew how much of a difference it could make not just in-terms of athleticism and things you think come naturally with being strong (like endurance and durability), but also in-terms of just general health and feeling more alive every single day.

It's wierd but I feel both younger and older at the same time. Older because I'm turning 27, younger because I've never been in such good physical condition at a lean 165lbs and moving down to 154 to Box Pro. It's strange when people look at me and say "you're thin" or "you must work out a lot"...because here I am a guy who was 180lbs when he was 12 years-old (I have the stretch marks to prove it).

Not to mention that you get more attention whether wanted or un-wanted on a primal level. Meaning more of the opposite sex are interested in you and more of the same sex are intimidated by you. It's pretty hilarious actually watching younger guys who should by all rights be stronger and more assertive than me think two or even three times before acting the fool. It gives a person a sense of confidence they should naturally have. Not cockyness because being mature means being aware you could get fucked up at any moment, but confident because you know what you're capable of if given the opportunity. I never knew until now that you could attain that kind of confidence from fueling your body correctly so that you almost never get tired.

Then there's the achievements in your training. I hit the 7 mile mark in my running this past week and yesterday did 7.25. When I was a kid, young and full of energy, I could BARELY handle a mile without possibly needing to be air-lifted to the nearest trauma center. When people genuinely ask about my training and I answer, and they hear I do the 7 miles, then do a 2 hour workout, then get cleaned up and go to work, and still have energy after work it boggles their minds. Oddly enough most of them are every bit as capable, they just have too much chaos in-general about them to see it.

I mentioned this before but I've literally not had a cold in about 4 years, possibly more. The LAST time I remember being sick was right when I started working for GNC and it lasted maybe a day or two tops. I've had small immune-system issues that just come with the amount of training I have to do, but I almost never get a cold or Flu even being around it because of my job.

It's strange, but I don't even miss junk food anymore. Imagine the utter confusion on the faces of people who work at restaurants as I routinely say "no sauce on that please"..."wheat please"..."no mayo, thank you"..."no cheese"..."just the sandwich, no fries or soda, thanks"..."I'd like the salad, and do you have bottled water?" You look around and you see crazy decadence everywhere and it's actually kind of sad. And now you have a taste for REAL food (for those of you in America, where real food is VERY rare). You find yourself suddenly interested in how things are made, what affects quality of food has on human Health, looking for what to intake and what to reject and swear-off altogether, or at least cut down to a BARE minimum. I can't bring myself to eat more than a half a slice of cake anymore, or more than 3 cookies.

All-in-all I can honestly say that attempting to make my eating and supplementing regimen more systematic and sensible for my goals, as well as consistent, has made a WORLD of difference in my life in-general. When I turned 25 I kind of dreaded age because somehow we've become convinced that with aging you simply break-down and completely deteriorate and are not capable of vigor, resilience, strength, speed, all the things we wish to have. That's a crock of shit. I've met 60-something year-old men who can move as fast as me. A 94 year-old man who RIDES A BIKE to my store once per month or so. An 87 year-old man who still powerlifts and workouts twice per day. No gimmicks, no tricks, no magical this or that. Just hard-work, discipline, and fueling the machine that is your body properly.

How about you folks?
Right on KK.

Although I can finish an entire 8 x 8 pan of Duncan Hines Deluxe Brownie Mix in one sitting without feeling a bit of guilt because......

I burn those 9000 calories in my sleep.
Although I can finish an entire 8 x 8 pan of Duncan Hines Deluxe Brownie Mix in one sitting without feeling a bit of guilt because......

I burn those 9000 calories in my sleep.

Leave it to you to bring up one point I wanted to make and forgot to, by pure chance no less. lol And who says you're a wierd spiritual kook? Not I.

Even though my distaste for junk food is pretty prominent I find I can eat a ton more now than I used to be able to. I swear. I'll eat a whole meal that's nutritous and healthy and my body STARVES for more in a couple of hours. Kind of like a high-performance engine running on high-grade fuel. It runs like the dickens but you need to feed that sumbitch.

I ate dinner tonight and was already exploring for more food within 15 minutes. lol
Chad Hamilton said:
Right on KK.

Although I can finish an entire 8 x 8 pan of Duncan Hines Deluxe Brownie Mix in one sitting without feeling a bit of guilt because......

I burn those 9000 calories in my sleep.

I wish I were that lucky!! I gain 5 lbs just reading the box. But, KK, I am just now changing my ways. I had a life threatening ilness that was killing me(marriage), but now that i'm thru with that, I am trying to get back to the shape i was in after bootcamp. i need to lose 40 lbs and then maintain, so I read all of this with great interest.
While I'm still inconsistent with meal frequency, I have found that cutting back on refined flours and sugars has benefited my overall well being and energy levels tremendously. and to piggyback on what you said kabuki, I can't stand to eat much cake or many cookies any more. you can taste and feel how unnatural it is. I'm still learning but as if figure things out my performance does nothing but improve. Diet and supplements are, however, for the most part a large mystery to me. how I eat:
- Each meal should include fiber, and protein
- carbs should come from colorful sources
- eggs are good for you, eat more of them (I top out at around 6 a day)
- don't skip breakfast.
- foods you can eat: meat, dairy, eggs, fruits, vegies, nuts and limited grains.

Amazing how your tastes, cravings, and performance changes after breaking down to the basics.
King Kabuki said:
Alright kids, leave us keep the positive energy flowing with sharing what conclusions we've drawn at this stage now that many of us have cleaned up our eating as much as humanly possible. Bits and pieces of this information is scattered throughout the Forum, but here's where we can all bask in the success of not being retarded as far as eating regimens are concerned and share in what we've learned.

No singing of "Kumbaya" though.

I'll go first:

I can honestly look back and say that in my younger days despite having trained much more than most of my peers the ONE thing I was totally fucked up on is eating and supplementing. I never knew how much of a difference it could make not just in-terms of athleticism and things you think come naturally with being strong (like endurance and durability), but also in-terms of just general health and feeling more alive every single day.

It's wierd but I feel both younger and older at the same time. Older because I'm turning 27, younger because I've never been in such good physical condition at a lean 165lbs and moving down to 154 to Box Pro. It's strange when people look at me and say "you're thin" or "you must work out a lot"...because here I am a guy who was 180lbs when he was 12 years-old (I have the stretch marks to prove it).

Not to mention that you get more attention whether wanted or un-wanted on a primal level. Meaning more of the opposite sex are interested in you and more of the same sex are intimidated by you. It's pretty hilarious actually watching younger guys who should by all rights be stronger and more assertive than me think two or even three times before acting the fool. It gives a person a sense of confidence they should naturally have. Not cockyness because being mature means being aware you could get fucked up at any moment, but confident because you know what you're capable of if given the opportunity. I never knew until now that you could attain that kind of confidence from fueling your body correctly so that you almost never get tired.

Then there's the achievements in your training. I hit the 7 mile mark in my running this past week and yesterday did 7.25. When I was a kid, young and full of energy, I could BARELY handle a mile without possibly needing to be air-lifted to the nearest trauma center. When people genuinely ask about my training and I answer, and they hear I do the 7 miles, then do a 2 hour workout, then get cleaned up and go to work, and still have energy after work it boggles their minds. Oddly enough most of them are every bit as capable, they just have too much chaos in-general about them to see it.

I mentioned this before but I've literally not had a cold in about 4 years, possibly more. The LAST time I remember being sick was right when I started working for GNC and it lasted maybe a day or two tops. I've had small immune-system issues that just come with the amount of training I have to do, but I almost never get a cold or Flu even being around it because of my job.

It's strange, but I don't even miss junk food anymore. Imagine the utter confusion on the faces of people who work at restaurants as I routinely say "no sauce on that please"..."wheat please"..."no mayo, thank you"..."no cheese"..."just the sandwich, no fries or soda, thanks"..."I'd like the salad, and do you have bottled water?" You look around and you see crazy decadence everywhere and it's actually kind of sad. And now you have a taste for REAL food (for those of you in America, where real food is VERY rare). You find yourself suddenly interested in how things are made, what affects quality of food has on human Health, looking for what to intake and what to reject and swear-off altogether, or at least cut down to a BARE minimum. I can't bring myself to eat more than a half a slice of cake anymore, or more than 3 cookies.

All-in-all I can honestly say that attempting to make my eating and supplementing regimen more systematic and sensible for my goals, as well as consistent, has made a WORLD of difference in my life in-general. When I turned 25 I kind of dreaded age because somehow we've become convinced that with aging you simply break-down and completely deteriorate and are not capable of vigor, resilience, strength, speed, all the things we wish to have. That's a crock of shit. I've met 60-something year-old men who can move as fast as me. A 94 year-old man who RIDES A BIKE to my store once per month or so. An 87 year-old man who still powerlifts and workouts twice per day. No gimmicks, no tricks, no magical this or that. Just hard-work, discipline, and fueling the machine that is your body properly.

How about you folks?

tl/dr.... jk ; )

I feel much better when I eat cleaner, which isn't all the time, as right now, for example, with the holidays, mom's always in the kitchen making sweet, yet not particularly healthy stuff. Although at certain times I may splurge on a cookie or chocolate, my main core meal diet is all pretty healthy stuff. (Although, I've found it hard to stay away from stuff like mayo and dressing, but when I do eat those things its always the low-fat kinds.) However, since I've been eating healthier, I've also found myself alittle grossed out by junk food, like chips and fast food, so the desire for those types of things isn't really a probelm. And another plus about eating healthy, is I have yet to get a cold this season. I actually felt one coming on a few weeks back and stepped up my vitamin c and fluid intake and avoided it, which was awesome. Also I think water is a huge factor in staying healthy, its pretty much the only thing I drink(with the occasional diet soda, iced tea, or yoo-hoo splurge) but I average about 6-10 bottles a day, and I really believe it makes a differance.
Thnaks to this forum I've been eating healthier. I make sure that the only thing I drink is water. When eating sandwhiches I ask for whole wheat bread, chicken breast, lettuce, cheese and vinegar. For the past two years I've been eating 3-4 slices of pizza. I was 165 2 years ago, this summer I was 160 and I'm 17. Now that I've started eating healthy. I'm 170 and eating healthier. Oatmeal, multivits/banana in the morning. Sandwhich for lunch, and maybe some oat cereal for dinner. I'm trying my best, and I can feel the difference in my day now. I feel more energized in the morning and overall very healthy. My only problem is sleeping because the only time I happen to read is at night. I gotta thank King Kabuki who helped me realize how healthy we have to be.
UbetterTAPout said:
I wish I were that lucky!! I gain 5 lbs just reading the box. But, KK, I am just now changing my ways. I had a life threatening ilness that was killing me(marriage), but now that i'm thru with that, I am trying to get back to the shape i was in after bootcamp. i need to lose 40 lbs and then maintain, so I read all of this with great interest.

Nothing will turn you into a fat fuck like being active duty military. Barring strange and wonderful places like the infantry, physical fitness is a fucking joke, and eating in the mess hall will kill you immediately. Anyone in the Army who wants to stay in shape best work out on their own after duty hours, and avoid the daily entrees like the plague.

As for marriage, there's nothing that can help that. You made your bed, now lie in it.
As for marriage, there's nothing that can help that. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Well he did say he's through with it. But your entry about the military just reminded me of something I wanted to put in the supplement wars thread.
My eating routine is still in the evolutionary phase but I have never felt better in my life. I say evolutionary phase cause 4 months ago I was eating like shit 4x a day, now I eat like shit 1x every other day.

It's amazing, when I was always eating like shit I literally had zero energy and a 30min workout would be all I could handle before I was feeling dizzy and seeing stars. Now a 30min workout is a warmup!

Also, thanks to all the posters on this board for helping me to enhance my better diet. A few months ago I would have never been able to say that I'm honenstly craving some brocoli and plain chicken breast!
I don't know if anyone else is getting this, but whereas before, I would just get hungry. Now I know exactly what I'm hungry for, and why. If I skip eating something after I lift, for instance, I crave meat. After I swim, bike, or run, I can't wait to crush a giant salad. Really, I'd prefer a bigass hamburger, but the salad will do until I drop enough weight (and cease to crave thick, juicy, steamy hamburgers all the time).
My old diet consisted of whatever I wanted to eat. This included Mcdonalds, Whataburger, or whatever, whenever i felt like it. I would eat fast food almost everyday. My diet is very healthy right now. But the funny thing is, I don't feel any different. I'm still always tired like I used to be, and other than losing weight, which is the whole reason why I eat good now, i haven't felt any different. Honestly, it kind of pisses me off.
cfiore6006 said:
Nothing will turn you into a fat fuck like being active duty military.
I don't know how it is in the Army but in the Marine Corps you can be kicked out for being a fat fuck. There is however some really weak bastards who could careless about being in shape in some of the non-infantry units.
Really, I'd prefer a bigass hamburger, but the salad will do until I drop enough weight (and cease to crave thick, juicy, steamy hamburgers all the time).

I just happen to have a compromise for you:

Thick Juicy Steamy (wait, is this porn?) Hamburger without the guilt:

1/4 lb of 99% lean ground beef
Desired seasonings (I usually use a touch of steak sauce and a dash of pepper)
Whole Wheat Bun
1/4 or 1/2 cup of mixed vegetables (such ass bell peppers, red onions, etc.)

Sautee the vegetables and cook the meat either on open-flame, in the broiler, or on the Foreman grill, but in a way that's lean without a lot of oil, focusing more on the taste of the meat. Might take a bit longer because proper meat prep needs more time unless you're drenching it in oil or some other garbage. Once it's done to your preference, the meat should be pretty well-seasoned and you got your wheat bun, top with the sauteed veggies and I guarantee you won't even miss the cheese.

My old diet consisted of whatever I wanted to eat. This included Mcdonalds, Whataburger, or whatever, whenever i felt like it. I would eat fast food almost everyday. My diet is very healthy right now. But the funny thing is, I don't feel any different. I'm still always tired like I used to be, and other than losing weight, which is the whole reason why I eat good now, i haven't felt any different. Honestly, it kind of pisses me off.

For this to be true my wager would be either something is off on your supplementing or your rest cycles suck. If you're eating better your energy should be through the roof by comparison.
In the spring right after this past wrestling season I weighed about 190. I was in ok shape, but thoguht to myself "I can get stronger, maybe get down to 170."

Here I am at 160.0 pounds per the scale this morning, stronger than I've ever been in my life and it's just completely changed me. I've got more confidence in myself and my abilities. I owe a lot ot the strength and power forum and this forum too.

Still no luck with the ladies though!
King Kabuki said:
I just happen to have a compromise for you:

Thick Juicy Steamy (wait, is this porn?) Hamburger without the guilt:

1/4 lb of 99% lean ground beef
Desired seasonings (I usually use a touch of steak sauce and a dash of pepper)
Whole Wheat Bun
1/4 or 1/2 cup of mixed vegetables (such ass bell peppers, red onions, etc.)

Sautee the vegetables and cook the meat either on open-flame, in the broiler, or on the Foreman grill, but in a way that's lean without a lot of oil, focusing more on the taste of the meat. Might take a bit longer because proper meat prep needs more time unless you're drenching it in oil or some other garbage. Once it's done to your preference, the meat should be pretty well-seasoned and you got your wheat bun, top with the sauteed veggies and I guarantee you won't even miss the cheese.

For this to be true my wager would be either something is off on your supplementing or your rest cycles suck. If you're eating better your energy should be through the roof by comparison.

I will admit that i probably don't get enough sleep. But even when I do, and I make it a point to get plenty of sleep, i am still tired before 4:00 PM, even if i woke up refreshed. My diet is pretty simple. I eat either cereal, eggwhites, or oatmeal for breakfast, and for the other meals I eat either chicken breast, turkey, or subway, and sometimes eggs. I also eat fruit with at least 1 meal. and I drink a lot of water. I usually eat 1 cheat meal a week. I've had so many people ask me if I feel better now that I eat good, and i honestly can't say i feel different, not even a little bit. I went to the doctor about being tired all the time, and he said he couldn't find anything initially wrong with me and that I would need to go to a sleep specialist and have them perform sleep tests on him, but with college and work i haven't had time to do any of that shit. I'm nt currently taking a multivitamin though, do you think that could be the problem.

I guess since I'm posting this in the diet forum, i might as well ask another question in this post. I have optimum whey protein, and i have a jug of muscle milk. Im trying to lose weight, and i go to boxing or BJJ at 6:30 every night. When, and how should I use the supplements since I'm not really lifting weights, just running and bodyweight excercises.
Being 16 and 257, I was a joke. I was in terrible shape. Regardless of my apperance, I have always been good at sports. When I played basketball, I scored 15-20 pts a game on average. When I played football, I was by far the the best blocker out on the field yet my lack of overall fitness was something embarassing. I have a natrual ability to adapt and perform in a sports setting yet I looked and felt like shit.

Now that I will be turning 17 (on the 29th for those who want to get me something, lol) I am weighing about 205 or so and I feel a lot better. I have started BJJ and my lifting is no longer geared to lifting for stats (ie bench 300 or whatever the goal may be) and it is now for GPP. I want to be a fit bastard. The kind of guy you look at and say, "Damn, he could kick my ass".

To accomplish this 52 pound weight loss (I'm hoping to get down to about 195 or so for my next goal...I need to get a BF% test to see what I can healthily get to), I cut out refined sugars from my diet, no white breads/rice, ate more frequently but less in quantity, incooperated increased amounts of cardio workouts, and just paid attention to what I was doing.

I can honestly say that I am still uncomfortable with my appearance. I know that my cardio sucks. I want to be skinnier, more toned, better cardio, and strong. These are things that I need to work on. I feel guilty when I eat a cookie or something like that (In fact, I had two today at lunch). For now, I will stick with what has been working for me: Pay attention to my diet, workout, and enjoy it.

Sherdog, thanks for all your help getting me here.
I will admit that i probably don't get enough sleep. But even when I do, and I make it a point to get plenty of sleep, i am still tired before 4:00 PM, even if i woke up refreshed. My diet is pretty simple. I eat either cereal, eggwhites, or oatmeal for breakfast, and for the other meals I eat either chicken breast, turkey, or subway, and sometimes eggs. I also eat fruit with at least 1 meal. and I drink a lot of water. I usually eat 1 cheat meal a week. I've had so many people ask me if I feel better now that I eat good, and i honestly can't say i feel different, not even a little bit. I went to the doctor about being tired all the time, and he said he couldn't find anything initially wrong with me and that I would need to go to a sleep specialist and have them perform sleep tests on him, but with college and work i haven't had time to do any of that shit. I'm nt currently taking a multivitamin though, do you think that could be the problem.

Your problem is very simple, you don't eat enough leafy green vegetables. And this is something that is all too common I'm seeing throughout these threads. Out of everything you listed two things are missing which you should have at every large meal and along with some of the in-betweens. One is nutritional fats, the second is leafy greens. The carbs you eat are actually assimilated kind of slowly, so the greens would benefit you because they assimilate rapidly by comparison and they'd fuel you good along with your whole grains. There's a reason most Pro Athletes who know anything about something eat like 2 frackin' heads of lettuce a day. Spinach, Broccoli, Collards, Kale, eat them up.

You might also be insulin sensitive.

Get a high potentcy Multi like the Ultra Mega Green from GNC and use the maximum dosage. If you're not taking one you're liable to be heavily depleted of basic vitamins and minerals, ESPECIALLY being that you're here in America.

In terms of the two proteins you listed I'd use the whey mixed with water pre-workout and the muscle milk post.
water is another BIG one too, if i drink a lot of water in a day i feel more energetic. and alive.
My wrestling season just ended, I'm back to eating like a "normal" person (and then some...) and I feel like shit! Going back to healthy food is hard, the tuna and fat free cottage cheese that I grew to love in my past 8 months of almost flawless eating habits taste like crap again. Meals never feel complete without some sort of desert. It's becoming more of a habit to eat fewer large meals and not feeling like eating more smaller ones.

My last cut brought me down to 140 lbs, 6.8% body fat (I'm 5'11") a week and a half ago, and I'm already up to around 158 lbs.

But damn, it sure as hell tastes good =)