
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
Ghetto setup, horrible questions, and both Conor and Diaz looked off / nervous. Conor was slouched forward like a beta. The staredown was disappointing, too much security. Where's Dana?

There were 220000 people watching. That was a bum conference
The only thing cringeworthy here is you calling McGregor a beta
Tell us in detail what exactly you expected out of a press conference?
The questions were mostly very stupid indeed

"What are you going to buy Nate?"

We all know where that money is going:

I wish a reported would've asked why Conor was coked out for this press conference
I learned Diaz is making at least 1 million which was cool. Diaz bros deserve it. 20/20 was fucking insulting for fans they pull to UFC and wars they been in.
Conor was slouched forward like a beta.

Yeah bro, he was all slouching like a fucking beta pussy, bro. Bro, does he even lift, bro? Bro, he should have been sitting up straight like a alpha bro, bro.
Volume was driving me crazy. People asking questions were load as fuck fighters answers were quiet. Had to fuck with my volume the entire time
That question about Conor breaking the rules by fighting in different weight classes, can't they think of anything better? And Nate looked so anxious at the start of the conference that I started to actually believe Conor beat him up back stage.
I don't know who the other 2 female "journalists" were besides Karen Bryant but they asked the dumbest fucking questions ever.
The questions were absolutely terrible.
Conor had to repeat that he doesn't care about weight classes and Nate was parroting him every 2 sentences and saying he doesn't give a fuck, lol. It was pretty bad. But there were some great lines in there too.
Dana's in London for the fight this weekend, that's why he wasn't there.
This was the best press conference ever. The security guards were a nice touch.
Someone didn't see the Bellator 149 press conference.