Movies The Dark Knight vs Infinity War

The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises were both better films then Infinity War. Batman Begins has a slight upper hand as well.
that is right but the thinking is so far removed from reality that it is hard to imagine actually thinking it. marvel movies are deeply meaningful and are sometimes even the most directly demonstrative of the values and character traits that we as a society value and promote.

when people say they are meaningless i think what they mean is the form meaning is communicated in is more important than meaning itself. i cant get behind that because its just a matter of taste.

Yet I think you see very many posts on this board that seem exactly based on this.

I mean I wouldn't hold up Marvel cinema as the most meaningful and intelligent work the medium is capable of or anything close to it BUT a dislike of it based purely on its form and a preference for something that looks to ground itself in reality but with less meaning comes across as unintelligent grasping for credibility.
Yet I think you see very many posts on this boards that seem exactly based on this.

I mean I wouldn't hold up Marvel cinema as the most meaningful and intelligent work the medium is capable of or anything close to it BUT a dislike of it based purely on its form and a preference for something that looks to ground itself in reality but with less meaning comes across as a unintelligent grasping for credibility.

TDK is the best CBM ever.

The directing alone is a lot better than IW's, which is still a top 3 cbm for me.

A better compairson would be TDKR vs Civil War IMO.
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