The danger of "black lives matter"

inbe4 people discredit it without reading it because it's from Hillsdale College
Well, she starts out from a completely wrong premise, so the whole thing is just plain old wrong.

The need is urgent, therefore, to examine the Black Lives Matter movement’s central thesis—that police pose the greatest threat to young black men.

That is not the message of BLM. The idea is that people do not see the police as being a threat to black men at all, and that police are pretty much never held accountable for killing them no matter the circumstance. There are clearly greater threats, but a lot of people refuse to recognize that this one even exists.
Black on black crime is a huge problem that the black community is reponsible for and need to try a lot harder to clean up....

Now that i have gotten that out of the way the police do kill and beat down way too many people every year.

Both can be true at the same time ya know ?
The number of police officers who died by gunfire fell by 14% in 2015 vs 2014 as per the following link:

Of course the general public appreciates the service that police officers provide but anger from a significant group should not be ignored. There is corruption throughout the world and police officers can become jaded when dealing with criminals everyday. Unfortunately that may slowly affect their judgement on how they treat even law abiding citizens of a certain group. I also think there is a old boy's network in the judicial system when a man gets bail even after killing two people over cab fare.

My last point on that article is that just because black americans are mostly murdered by other black americans it doesn't justify how the police treats normal blacks. If there is a large movement than there must be problems and a squeaky wheel which is BLM gets the job done.
So the BLM movement has resulted in more blacks killing blacks because now police are scared to kill the blacks who are killing blacks
So the BLM movement has resulted in more blacks killing blacks because now police are scared to kill the blacks who are killing blacks
No, cops are refusing to go into problem neighborhoods or do the things necessary to control crime in those neighborhoods because of potential backlash. Killing isn't really the issue, but if cops are constantly afraid that they might make a mistake and shoot the wrong guy they put themselves more at risk. Its a pretty reasonable position and I don't blame them at all for backing off. The problem between the police and blacks in general isn't really what its represented as and BLM does create an increase in the political divide not a decrease.
No, cops are refusing to go into problem neighborhoods or do the things necessary to control crime in those neighborhoods because of potential backlash. Killing isn't really the issue, but if cops are constantly afraid that they might make a mistake and shoot the wrong guy they put themselves more at risk. Its a pretty reasonable position and I don't blame them at all for backing off. The problem between the police and blacks in general isn't really what its represented as and BLM does create an increase in the political divide not a decrease.

the cops are afraid of getting in trouble while doing the right thing, not shooting the wrong guy, that is ridiculous. The problem with BLM is that most of their cases have no logical or lawful leg to stand on, but still make huge headlines (hands up, don't shoot, etc...). It is making cops fear that the unruly criminals now feel justified (thanks Obama) and will increase their violence level and lower their level of cooperation which would lead to more force being needed to arrest somebody, now if this person gets hurt, even though it is their own fault (Sefolosha), there is a huge scandal, unlawful trials for political reasons, and unjustified handouts by cities because trials are more expensive in the long run or like in Baltimore the mayor Stephnanie Rawlings-Blake is pro BLM and gave away 6 million preemptively.
The number of police officers who died by gunfire fell by 14% in 2015 vs 2014 as per the following link:

Of course the general public appreciates the service that police officers provide but anger from a significant group should not be ignored. There is corruption throughout the world and police officers can become jaded when dealing with criminals everyday. Unfortunately that may slowly affect their judgement on how they treat even law abiding citizens of a certain group. I also think there is a old boy's network in the judicial system when a man gets bail even after killing two people over cab fare.

My last point on that article is that just because black americans are mostly murdered by other black americans it doesn't justify how the police treats normal blacks. If there is a large movement than there must be problems and a squeaky wheel which is BLM gets the job done.

except most of the events that get protested by BLM have no legal or logical leg to stand on.
Blacks act like when cops shoot white people that the go to jail. Most cops dont go to jail, whenever they shoot anyone of any color.

Now if they want to complain about harassment then fine, but dont put it out there that black lives matter when more whites get shot by cops and the cops dont go to jail.
Good article, thanks for posting.
"As horrific as such stories are, crime rates were much higher 20 years ago. In New York City in 1990, for example, there were 2,245 homicides. In 2014 there were 333—a decrease of 85 percent. The drop in New York’s crime rate is the steepest in the nation, but crime has fallen at a historic rate nationwide as well—by about 40 percent—since the early 1990s. The greatest beneficiaries of these declining rates have been minorities. Over 10,000 minority males alive today in New York would be dead if the city’s homicide rate had remained at its early 1990s level.
What is behind this historic crime drop? A policing revolution that began in New York and spread nationally, and that is now being threatened. Starting in 1994, the top brass of the NYPD embraced the then-radical idea that the police can actually prevent crime, not just respond to it. They started gathering and analyzing crime data on a daily and then hourly basis. They looked for patterns, and strategized on tactics to try to quell crime outbreaks as they were emerging. Equally important, they held commanders accountable for crime in their jurisdictions. Department leaders started meeting weekly with precinct commanders to grill them on crime patterns on their watch. These weekly accountability sessions came to be known as Compstat. They were ruthless, high tension affairs. If a commander was not fully informed about every local crime outbreak and ready with a strategy to combat it, his career was in jeopardy."
Well I just wasted my time reading nothing but LIES. YOU FUCKING LYING BITCH.
Black on black crime is a huge problem that the black community is reponsible for and need to try a lot harder to clean up....

Now that i have gotten that out of the way the police do kill and beat down way too many people every year.

Both can be true at the same time ya know ?

High crime communities need MORE police not less. This will lower crime. If you lower crime more businesses will come in. With more businesses comes more money into these areas. This money at least in part can be put back into the community via working at these businesses.
Also, businesses are more likely to invest in an area if has lower crime.

But yeah, police brutality is not cool anywhere. Just like acting like a fucking douche every time you interact with a cop is not cool either.

From article
Even though the U.S. Justice Department has resoundingly disproven the lie that a pacific Michael Brown was shot in cold blood while trying to surrender, Brown is still venerated as a martyr. And now police officers are backing off of proactive policing in the face of the relentless venom directed at them on the street and in the media. As a result, violent crime is on the rise.

The need is urgent, therefore, to examine the Black Lives Matter movement’s central thesis—that police pose the greatest threat to young black men. I propose two counter hypotheses: first, that there is no government agency more dedicated to the idea that black lives matter than the police; and second, that we have been talking obsessively about alleged police racism over the last 20 years in order to avoid talking about a far larger problem—black-on-black crime.
BLM shouldn't have turned this into a race issue, but their point remains. Way too many police (who are servants of the public) abuse their power without reprocussions. Everything from minor issues such as targetting sports cars or teenagers for speeding or being quick to violence with a black criminal. Yes their job is tough and unrewarding. yes it seems like its a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing with many police. But if you aren't able to handle the stress, pressure, and liability of the job (you have the states backing), then don't do the job.
High crime communities need MORE police not less. This will lower crime.
what kind of sick self fulfilling prophecy is this? Instituting more cops and stricter adherence of the law just leads to more arrests with no change in the community. It further isolates the community from its police. Look no further than drug related imprisonment when whites take drugs at the same rate as blacks and hispanics (if not at higher rates for certain drugs). Yet jail time is disproportionate for offenders of this crime by various races. Is this because the system is rigged and all cops and judges are racist? no. but a large part of it is because having police patrol those areas in greater numbers with sharper eyes makes it a self fulfilling prophecy.

Its no different than a kid that gets a reputation as a bad kid in 1st grade, and then is watched closer by his 2nd and 3rd grade teachers since his 1st grade teacher warned them about him. The kids behavior might have actually improved to the point he is better than many other kids in the class, but you would never know because the teachers are looking at him closer than the other kids and bust him on the same stuff the other kids are doing but don't get caught since the teachers aren't watching them as closely. Its completely a self fulfilling prophecy.
what kind of sick self fulfilling prophecy is this?

You tell me. Let's go back and look at the crime rate in NYC before Rudy became mayor and then after.

It really is depressing to see the stupidity of what you are posting. Who are the overwhelming majority of victims of black crimes? Blacks. This is fact.
Now, it is not self fulfilling shit.
If you have high crime you need more police. More police will stop and DETER criminals. Then deterred or locked up criminals can no longer commit crimes. The crime in area down.
An example would be NYC in about mid 90s.
Criminals suffer from more police and innocent people benefit from more police.

And I hate to tell your racist behind, but most black people are not criminals. Sorry Obama.

The rest of your post was just too awful to fucking read. It just is. Go back to the heavies, they need you.