The birth of Darth Cowboy

I saw it a dozen times in the theater and loved it. It was later when I realized that a major part of the plot was the Care Bears vs the Red Army. I never liked it afterwards, it is simply too ridiculous.

Care bears?

Man-eating MURDER BEARS more like it

Those vicious little bastards would've eaten Han and Luke if Leia didn't save their asses

I saw it a dozen times in the theater and loved it. It was later when I realized that a major part of the plot was the Care Bears vs the Red Army. I never liked it afterwards, it is simply too ridiculous.
the force has nothing on the care bear stare :p
You know, my fans nicknamed me "The Bulgarian Cowboy" because they saw Cerrone's hat which is not even similar to mine hah. Donald has a big influence hahaha
I saw it a dozen times in the theater and loved it. It was later when I realized that a major part of the plot was the Care Bears vs the Red Army. I never liked it afterwards, it is simply too ridiculous.

Ewoks were cool...wasnt the whole story though. Loved the opening at Jabbas palace (actually getting to see him) and the cool battle that followed.
Finally getting to see the Emperor. Luke and Leias connection was well done. The space battles were my favorite in that trilogy. Plus of course the ending ...which is the highlight of all 9 movies, imo.

Critics love sucking on Empires nuts, but for me ROTJ has the most rewatchability out of them all.

Jesus christ, ok Im done with nerd talk lol.

Go Conor