Thai Bag


White Belt
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
im gettn a thai bag next week (YES!) and idk whether to get the title classic one or the title mma one. i know they are both thai bags but ive heard from others that the title classic one is more reliable, ist his true? or are they both the same? which would u guys recommend cause ive heard the title mma one isnt as reliable as they classic one, and also the classic one looks weird in the pictures, o can anyone who has either of the bags give me some help,

Thanx guys

heres the bags

TITLE MMA Heavy Bag from Title Boxing

TITLE MMA Heavy Bag from Title Boxing

also y is the title logo on the middle of the red bag as to the top like most bags?
.,.....down to cosmetics? wtf are you talking about. it is the exact same bag linked twice. cosmetically they are friggen identical.