Teen robs man's Jordan's, had arm ripped off

Interesting discussion to be had here. I'm going out on a limb and say that the man should indeed be charged with at least vehicular assault, even though I suspect that many here will disagree.
I saw this previously and before I even opened up the video I thought maybe the robber opened the door at gun point in which the driver may have floored it and somehow caused this freak accident and which may have been justifiable. But what really happened was just stupid. Like this guy got robbed, robber walked off, he made a u-turn and ran him over. Personally I think this dude needs to go to prison, that's just fucked up.
I don't feel too bad for the kid since he's the one who turned this into something more than a standard Craiglist sale but the older man should definitely be charged with something and go to prison.
Idiot trash deserves the prize, well - an arm being it lmao.
"Your honor, I was in fear for my life.

I was panicked, he had a gun, and I thought he may be trying to create distance to start shooting.. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to get home to see my family. Instincts kicked in!"

Not guilty. Case dismissed.

Oh, and hand him a medal for bravery.
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Poor kid just wanted a pair of Jordans. The damned things cost an arm and a leg.
Talk about disarming your attacker.

Wonder if the kid will get charged with armed robbery and the driver will get charged with robbery of an arm.
Don't really feel bad for the kid. But the dude turned around and straight up tried to kill him with his SUV. He's gonna get charged with somethin.
Weird case. If the gun actually jammed, meaning the robber attempted to murder him and failed, I'm more sympathetic to the delayed violent reaction. If that didn't happen, but was just a story made up by the driver to cover for his actions, then he may deserve to be charged. This is a level beyond the last newsworthy Jordans robbery ending in death of the robber, because that situation was a direct threat to the man's life at the time he killed the robber, while this man's life was no longer in danger. The robber doesn't have my sympathy no matter whether he pulled the trigger in this case or not. He did get what was coming to him. I'm interested in whether the driver has a right to use deadly force against a person he genuinely feels is a threat to the lives of other people, because short of some kind of temporary insanity (which seems unrealistic), that's the only justification that comes to mind.
This is nature's way of saying it approves of the Arab mode of punishment for thieves.
I don't see the problem. It was an armed robbery, of course his natural instinct was to disarm him.
the kid who lost his arm deserves jack shit. so hopefully he won't be rewarded for being a criminal. the driver should get something. certainly shouldnt be as if he just randomly ran a person down though. 30 days in jail and some community service would be ok to me.

one thing i dont see mentioned is that i canalmost guarantee those jordans are fake. if they are, i would step up my penalty on the driver since they were both crooks