Teddy Atlas Critiques Stephen A Smiths Technique

It obvious him and Teddy are mates and Teddy's having fun with it

This for god sake this

Wtf is everyones problem on here? Teddy is just breaking his balls a bit and says a million complimentary things as well in this very short video

Sherdog needs a huge safe space jeezus christ buncha panty waists
This for god sake this

Wtf is everyones problem on here? Teddy is just breaking his balls a bit and says a million complimentary things as well in this very short video

Sherdog needs a huge safe space jeezus christ buncha panty waists
I thought it was a fun back and forth. Some people getting their balls twisted in a knot
Smith's doing the right thing if he wants to fight Rogan and Shaq at the same time.