Social Ted Cruz obliterates treasonous Jack Dorsey at senate hearing

Cruz could be president if we put a federal face mask mandate in place through 2024
Its a private company, they cant do whatever the fuck they want with it, corporations are people 1st Amendment, Citizens United.


If the above wasnt clear, it was ironic sarcasm.

They can also be regulated.

It's a hard sell when the companies ask for no regulation, liability protection, and unfettered right to censor anyone they wish.
Obama has 125M followers, CNN has like 60M there are thousands of people and companies that have 50M+ followers.

It's just simply a bigger version of this forum?

That's like saying Google is just a larger version of AOL search and Infoseek, no need to treat them any differently.
If you watch the opening statement by the committee chairman, he states as much. That due to the companies no longer being "scrappy underdogs" and having too much power, they were wanting to remove the liability shield for those 3 companies. He didnt say 1st amendment rights.
When it’s politically expedient of course they’re using them, Like now being silent (even encouraging) censorship from the big tech.

They arent being silent, they have pushed legislation to try and limit corporations since Citizens United and Ted Cruz has always defended corporations.

And how’s giving teachers freedom to teach instead of having a big government oversight and telling them what to teach an example of right “forcing its ideology on others”?

Freedom to impose their ideologies you mean?

Also weren’t all those intel agencies weaponized under Obama?

They were weaponized way before Obama.

lefties had no issue fbi and other intel agencies spying on trump and his campaign

Maybe if Trump wasnt shady as f.
They can also be regulated.

It's a hard sell when the companies ask for no regulation, liability protection, and unfettered right to censor anyone they wish.

Of course they can be regulated but its not Democrats who block any attempt at doing so.

Liability protection is from speech made by people using the platforms and that's a no brainer.
Are you saying Twitter isn't a speech platform and we shouldn't treat it as such?

If George Soros or the Koch family bought every network, CNN, MSN, Yahoo the NYT you would have no concerns because they are just businesses?
capitalism at its best.
That’s just not true and you’re truly brain dead if you think that.

Im going to assume this was just a lazy contribute nothing post though, since it would be pretty hard to be that stupid.
Are you talking about my post or your own?