Ted Cruz: Making U.S. women eligible to be drafted is 'nuts.' Ted Cruz is sexist.

For grunts aka boots on the ground I think its a good idea to pair married couples. Similar to couples fighting together was encouraged in at least ancient Greece. They would fight with such passion and determination as to seem like demonic possession.
On second thought Id rather war became a relic sooner than later.
I don't see the problem. The military needs to be practical and play to the strengths of the recruits. It's not like men all get the same job either. If a girl is able so be it, but not being able to isn't a reason for the current state of discrimination.
If she isn't able, then it isn't discrimination. Set identical standards for everyone, and if you aren't up to it, then you shoudn't be there (this goes for the police/fire service too, basically anything which requires physical standards)
If she isn't able, then it isn't discrimination. Set identical standards for everyone, and if you aren't up to it, then you shoudn't be there (this goes for the police/fire service too, basically anything which requires physical standards)

Exactly. And if you can't decipher nuclear weaponry then you should get drummed out as well. After all, if you can't meet the utmost of stringing standards on one particular area of competence then you surely have no place in government. :cool:
I think the butch ones that want to sign up should. More power to them. Drafting them is a bad idea due to biology and women naturally aren't suited for fighting. If start drafting your normal female they will all die quickly or just get in the way. I don't think its sexist at all.
Not every fucking draftee is getting shot at and shooting.
Every one of you screaming "equal rights, equal lefts" would be the first to lose your minds if you had a daughter and she was drafted.

I'd lose my mind if my son or daughter were drafted. I don't believe in drafting. But if we are still going to do it, I believe in equality.
My view on this is similar to SSM. I think that we're moving in the wrong direction if we're getting more people involved in institutions that we should be trying to move away from: marriage and war.
Just a distraction topic. Is any candidate seriously thinking about reinstating the draft?