Tattoo removal


bondage belt
Dec 14, 2011
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Anybody had one removed by laser, if so how painful was it and how many treatments did you have?
had fun after a couple of drinks TS?

I've got this really gay tribal shit on my arm. One of these nights im gonna take it off with a cheese grader when I'm drunk.
Does it look anything like this?

A friend of mine is going through the laser removal process. He says the pain is extreme enough to the point that session only last 45 minutes to an hour and cost a fuck ton. Also takes a shit load of sessions before you can actual get to the point where the tattoo isn't very noticeable.
Anybody had one removed by laser, if so how painful was it and how many treatments did you have?

i had two tattoos on my throat removed with a laser. i can pretty much tell you how it will happen.

you will go to a consultation, and if you can afford to begin the procedure right away, you will begin right then and there. the person doing the procedure is not a doctor, so you will not be going under. if they provide novacain shots, they hurt like a motherfucker too, but takes the bite out of the lasers. the person will put glasses on you, you will lay there, and they will run this laser over your skin. every time it flashes it will burn a spot of the tattoo. if you choose to not do the novacain shots, then this will be the most extreme pain that you will ever feel in your entire life. the darker the tattoo, the harder the laser zaps it. once it is complete, the person will rub some burn creme on it and then you will be bandaged up. you will have to wear the bandages for a couple days, because now the spots on your skin are severely burned and can not be under sunlight. over the course of the next couple weeks your body will in a way digest the ink, as the laser only broke the pigments up, your body does the rest. you will probably go in every two weeks. it gets easier each time, but for some reason will always cost the same even though they are doing less work each time. imagine that.

you will have to go in multiple times. and it is very expensive.

i had gotten the two tattoos put on for $90. so far I have had two visits to have them lasered off, and it has cost $600 and i probably have one more visit to go.

the tattoos are almost gone.

i can not stress enough that it will be the most painful thing that you will ever experience. i passed a kidney stone once, and that was a walk in the park compared.
Just get it covered up with a better tattoo.
I have had treatment on a full sleeve over the last 18 months.
I doubt it is much more painful than getting a tattoo in the first place.
but you acknowledging that you were a dumbshit getting it might hurt more :)
I doubt it is much more painful than getting a tattoo in the first place.
but you acknowledging that you were a dumbshit getting it might hurt more :)

Laser removal could easily involve generating a subcutaneous burn (second degree) in the process.
I've considered doing laser treatments on parts of mine that I'd like to see done better, but it's too costly. Maybe if I was rich.
Lasers are for punks, I say go belt sander.

I've had one done, if you're not in a gang its very expensive and it hurts like hell. Way worse than getting it.