I've wanted to start some sort of grappling art for a while now. But because of time and monetary constraints I hadn't been able to. Finally I just say screw it I'm just going to do it and i'll squeeze it into my schedule and find some way to pay for it. So like three weeks ago i do it. I join this gym and start taking classes that are a mix of judo and sambo. The instructor seems to know what he's doing. I'm learning alot of new things and I have blast when we actually get to play at the end of class. Also I was really happy with how i'd been making steady progress. I had been picking it up better than i had thought i was going to. Anyway then the other day while I'm playing Rugby and BAM! Fractured collar bone. Its a mild facture thank goodness but it still looks like i'm gonna be out for a while. It's very sad and you should feel sorry for me.
Anyway, I figure if i can't actually participate I may as well take this opportunity to study up a bit. Are there any judo/ grappling books out there that are worth while? Videos too i guess. But i'm pretty sure i can get the books cheaper so mostly books. Are videos more helpful than books?
Anyway, I figure if i can't actually participate I may as well take this opportunity to study up a bit. Are there any judo/ grappling books out there that are worth while? Videos too i guess. But i'm pretty sure i can get the books cheaper so mostly books. Are videos more helpful than books?