Takedowns out in the open?

Luke Rockholds (?) kick

Apr 22, 2017
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For instance a double leg underneath overcommitted strikes or punches or a knee tap will become almost non existent because people will get used to the range more and will have better distance control meaning you willgenerally. Takedowns against the cage what are your thoughts critique the the idea not me if you want to critise.
For instance a double leg underneath overcommitted strikes or punches or a knee tap will become almost non existent because people will get used to the range more and will have better distance control meaning you willgenerally. Takedowns against the cage what are your thoughts critique the the idea not me if you want to critise.

funny you say that i feel like getting takedowns vs the cage is harder cause its slower paced guys have more time to defend and have the wall to walk walk out in open is what i prefer cause use much less energy tbh i hate the cage fr wrestling i waste alot of energy against good guys

maybe because i dont use a lifting slamming type double
For instance a double leg underneath overcommitted strikes or punches or a knee tap will become almost non existent because people will get used to the range more and will have better distance control meaning you willgenerally. Takedowns against the cage what are your thoughts critique the the idea not me if you want to critise.

No disrespect, but I'm really not quite sure what you're trying to say.
People get better at distance control and movement takedowns under strikes become more rare that's all

well for ever guys just had to throw a big overhand into single or clinch and thats how fights got to the ground nowadays guys know all those basic tricks so you either have to learn to shoot under there punches kicks or have better set ups that was weidmans issue in his last few
I disagree. All you need from your opponent to execute a takedown from the outside is a clear path to their legs/hips and for their weight to be planted.

You have to do both of those things in order to throw any kind of strike.
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