Taining twice a week routine!

groin striker

Orange Belt
May 2, 2005
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ok I want to start weight training only twice a week instead of three times because im training bjj 4x a week and donig a bit of cardio also and I find im burning out rather quickly and dont want to cut the bjj! so how would I fit all the exercises into two days a week and what days to do exercises togeather! I still want to keep most of the strengh i ve gained tho.

You cn split them up into push and pull days

overhead press

Ian King wrote a great artical about training twice a week called "Big Muslce Busy Schedule"...it was written a few years ago so you need to look in the T-nation archieves.
groin striker said:
ok I want to start weight training only twice a week instead of three times because im training bjj 4x a week and donig a bit of cardio also and I find im burning out rather quickly and dont want to cut the bjj! so how would I fit all the exercises into two days a week and what days to do exercises togeather! I still want to keep most of the strengh i ve gained tho.


At two days a week, your strength, power, and endurance will probably only be maintained. It's difficult to improve with that few work days. Three is really key.

Just so you know.
acutally i cut back my training strength training to two days a week, and i do skill/tactial training 2-3 days a week...and i'm seeing better improvement in both. I like Charlie Francies quote "mixed training equals mixed resultes"
Madmick said:
At two days a week, your strength, power, and endurance will probably only be maintained. It's difficult to improve with that few work days. Three is really key.

Just so you know.

dood i was hittin a twice (or sometimes once a week) program - clean and press , benchpress, pull-ups , squats and deadlifts - and my strength and power was going thru the fukin roof . iv never had gains like that .
parallax86 said:
dood i was hittin a twice (or sometimes once a week) program - clean and press , benchpress, pull-ups , squats and deadlifts - and my strength and power was going thru the fukin roof . iv never had gains like that .

Thats what I wana hear! its just on push day doing squats and bench would be murder!!
that was my whole workout , each workout. doing clean and press, squat and deadlift on the same day fukin killed me. good gains though.
Madmick said:
At two days a week, your strength, power, and endurance will probably only be maintained. It's difficult to improve with that few work days. Three is really key.

Just so you know.

can you give some reasoning behind this statement.

I can sustain 3 (and at its worst 4) times a week for maybe a month or 2, then I burnt myself out. The fact that I only improve for half that time then I begin to suck means I now train twice a week, and my numbers have 'so' far constantly gone up (for the last 4 weeks or so)
ian: ur not just trainin weights are you ? that could b y . ur body will maintain the strength and endurance it needs from ur mma or whatever trainin ,and the 2 times u do train will jus build on that maintained level.
parallax86 said:
dood i was hittin a twice (or sometimes once a week) program - clean and press , benchpress, pull-ups , squats and deadlifts - and my strength and power was going thru the fukin roof . iv never had gains like that .

You'd have to be more specific with "through the roof". This is not an attack on you, but if you are talking jumping from say 250-350 in a deadlift over some named time, this really isn't good proof. Now if you are talking about going from 500-600 in the same amount of time, then you might have something.
parallax86 said:
ian: ur not just trainin weights are you ? that could b y . ur body will maintain the strength and endurance it needs from ur mma or whatever trainin ,and the 2 times u do train will jus build on that maintained level.

This is true, I'm a MT guy.

Bit counter intuative, but I think I know where your coming from
Not necessarily. Quality over quantity any given day. I was able to hit 2 of my 3 PRs on twicec a week lifting.

Madmick said:
At two days a week, your strength, power, and endurance will probably only be maintained. It's difficult to improve with that few work days. Three is really key.

Just so you know.
Not necessarily. Quality over quantity any given day. I was able to hit 2 of my 3 PRs on twicec a week lifting.

I agree, but for some people, they need to change up frequency once in a while to further gains. Everyone is different though.
I was just saying that you can make gains on twice a week training, of course I also go more than twice a week but I have made my best gains on that frequency.

Duncon76 said:
Not necessarily. Quality over quantity any given day. I was able to hit 2 of my 3 PRs on twicec a week lifting.

I agree, but for some people, they need to change up frequency once in a while to further gains. Everyone is different though.