Survivor: Ghost Island - Season 36

It's astounding how Survivor still has an audience after 35 seasons.
My guess is there won't be any black people on this season, they don't fuck with that shit
Hey nobody is playing for the friggin million dollars it seems. They all want the "life changing experience" like Survivor is some sort of personal quest rather than a reality show game. Blech.

Sounds like the season is going to be filled with a bunch of twats.
With all he guns and cameras everywhere I feel like just living in America is an episode of survivor
Oh yeah, I'm in. Looks like it should be a fun season
Looks like no “old” people (like 50s)
I have seen every season but it’s tough to get hyped about a new season, hopefully there will be some memorable cast members.
Hello? Anyone? Am I the only one that watched last night and is HYPED for this season??
25% into the premiere and its already 900x more interesting than last season

last premiere was soooo lifeless

Bob Ross seems aight
any gifs? some nice booty's i see
Boy gave it all up for some titties.
Decent double episode! It would have been fun if Seth Rogen had stayed a couple of days more.

The production team overplayed the talk about taking out strong players so that we as viewers would be duped that Seth (Jacob) would have a chance. So the tribal council lacked excitement!

I’m not really sold about the element of Ghost island yet but I’d love to be proven wrong.
Questionable game play already. No reason for the contractor to admit to having an idol. Never tell anybody you have an idol. Is that so hard? I hope he wins out against his model rival though - "I'm a leader and I have to do leader things because that's how leaders are leaders".

Fake necklace from Seth Rogan was completely ridiculous attempt. You could tell that he convinced nobody. That gym teacher seems pretty sharp. Seth Rogan was trying way too hard to be a character it seemed as well.

Production/Probst tried WAY TOO HARD to sell Donathan's eight foot dive to release the buoys as some sort of life changing moment. Kid has zero game - might be amongst the worst players ever. Total gimmick casting "I'm a gay hick from Kentucky, hey look a black person, I never talked to a black person before can we be friends?"

Ghost island is a bad idea for Probst as it will keep weak ass players in the game as the immunity winning tribe rightly sends the person they think is the weakest to ensure they remain in the game. Probst usually wants to keep the strong males in the game.

So damn funny both guys picked their respective teams token black chick to be their puzzle solver for the very first cold intro challenge. 8 people to choose from, no way to tell who is possibly good at puzzles and it's "imma pick the black chick to show America I think she's smartest".

How da fuq is an 18 yr old a Real Estate Agent in LA? Family business?

Stephanie made the right decision to boot Seth Rogan, because she has information nobody will know she had - Morgan having the Legacy advantage. Morgan won't know that she knows. Information is power in this game. Keeping Seth around and he would have told somebody else and Morgan would have acted differently with him in the game knowing he knew she had it.

Stephanie and Wendell are two early favorites. A lot of the women I'm not sure even spoke on camera yet though. Dom should be entertaining while he is around. I hope he makes the merge. Gym Teacher could go far as well - solid in challenges but will play a UTR game.
Didn’t Dom find that hidden immunity idol almost too easy, especially since it was dark?

I remover back in the good old days when guys like Russel at least had to put in an effort to locate one. Nowadays, it’s seems like the productions team almost hands one out to players they think will be entertaining.
I wish Russell lived on Ghost Island and just gave the contestants advice the whole time they were there. TWIST!!! It's terrible advice because if Russell can convince someone to take his place on Ghost Island, he's back in the game!

When Donathan's baby teeth fell out, did his parents just slap a pair of novelty hillbilly teeth in his mouth and call it a day?

This season seems like it will be a full time deal with producers saying "Hey, maybe dig around over there..." I can't wait till they pick their favorite and get them to the finals.
The legacy curse strikes again. Jacob tells someone about it and then boom, gone. I felt bad for Jacob for getting so obviously played by the Yoga Instructor. You can tell he was thinking "she's hot, into Survivor, and wants to work with me. Jackpot!" and then he seemed pretty crushed. That said I don't think she has as much power as she thinks and she might have been better off sticking with Jacob and the other misfits.

Overall a.solid first episode. I like when they do the double episode to start the season, it helps get momentum going.

That Gonzalez girl that went out first seemed like a giant bitch. That was a good choice for first boot.