Superman Suffocated to death while High on Meth

saw a documentary with him in it. he was an idiot. his apt looked like he was a hoarder and he smoked cigarettes
Alcohol is literally poison, but ok.

well if you're going to make that argument, then the same could be said about many other things that aren't good for you, yet are not generally considered dangerous to consume. fatty foods, pies and cakes, etc.

it looks like we were arguing at different angles on the same topic. yes, it's poison. lots of things aren't good to consume, but then i take it you don't eat veggies and drink water-alone, all day either. we pick and choose our battles.
Alcohol is actually one of the most dangerous drugs, but whatever makes you feel better.

Sad but true. I mostly just drink beer and pilsner at that but I've been doing dry January and the amount of shit I'm getting done and how much better I feel is insane. Sure I have no social life but I cook every meal, I work out all the time, my apartment is clean, my errands are getting done, etc. Homer Simpson was right.