Stupidest Purchase you made in your life?

One of my Navy buddies had an RX8. What a gutless piece of crap. He traded it in on an EVO VIII.
It was horrible. The ride was great, but after I spent like 6k on performance, it blew. Then I tried an LS swap and had nothing but electrical issues.
I sold it for one hell of a loss
I get it
The Rx-7 was such an amazing car tho

I put $60 of gas in my car then it broke on the drive home so I scrapped it for $50. I was planning on getting rid of it anyways.
It was horrible. The ride was great, but after I spent like 6k on performance, it blew. Then I tried an LS swap and had nothing but electrical issues.
I sold it for one hell of a loss

Damn, that sucks to hear. I have seen a few LS swapped RX-8's and that always seemed like a cool thing to do if it ends up working.
Two online learning A levels in Math and English. Cost £800.

The formatting was shit, I was out of my depth in Math and a combination of a poor-paying job and having to move costs just stressed me out to the point where I couldn't focus.

I paid £930 for an oz of gold, sold it for £725 to pay for these A levels and it'd be worth around £1300 now.
A Nissan?
A juicer and then a nicer, more expensive juicer that set next to each other on the shelf (or is useless things my wife wanted a different category?)
No, the stupidest was a lifetime supply of film and developing. Early 90's, right after my first child, but before digital cameras (but only just) became a thing, a couple of ladies convinced my ex and I we'd save tons of money. I even found an error in their math and still did it. It was $10 or $20 bucks a month for a year then all free photos! I don't think we used it once. It seemed like digital cameras appeared the next weekend.
So, I've been racking my brain and I'm not sure I've ever made a really bad purchase. I think I've always just been way too stingy with my money and always way over-research things. I'm sure I could think of some random purchase that didn't pay off as well as I wanted, but there's honestly nothing that stands out.

I gotta take more risks.
I bought a Red Letter Day to cook with Jamie Oliver for the day which cost 500 GBP, and the company went bust so it didn't happen.
Had she previously expressed an interest in learning to play it, or were you just trying to come up with a gift idea and "cello" was what popped into your head?

She had been saying for a couple of years at that point that she’d love to learn to play. In fact, the cello I bought her was one she found; she basically asked me to get it for her :rolleyes:
I don’t want to list all of it but the amount of shit my wife has wasted money on for our kids is ridiculous. All these dumb toys she sees on sale that they couldn’t give less of a shit about. I’m not saying don’t ever buy the kids anything but show some restraint. I’d say 90% of the crap they got for Xmas was played with for about a total of Two hours and then they went back to their “go to” toys (legos, play doh, arts and crafts stuff) while the rest is now sitting in their toy room, rotting away.
She had been saying for a couple of years at that point that she’d love to learn to play. In fact, the cello I bought her was one she found; she basically asked me to get it for her :rolleyes:

So the way I see it, you nailed it. You picked up on something she said or hinted at and surprised her with it. If she's "wasting" it, that's on her, but you made the right move. $400 is a lot of money but you shouldn't feel bad about it.