Stupid Life Articles Written by Stupid Women in their 20's (*some in 30's)

Privilege seems to be the trendy word to use these days, I'm pretty sure most people who use it in that context don't have a clue what it means.
Buzzfeed is another annoying site. I made the mistake of watching some Buzzfeed videos showing the employees taste testing foods from different countries. Those videos were alright but now I have all these recommendations of my YouTube page for some of the dumbest videos from Buzzfeed.

It's safe to say Buzzfeed is a feminist site
This came as a suggestion

I Stood Up to a Fat-Shaming Bully on a Train Because I'm Tired of Fighting for the Right to Exist


Man... Comments always bring the laughs

"Sizeism is so deeply rooted in society that many fat people simply absorb it as truth"

Then there were several responses dicussing "Sizeism".

WTF is "Sizeism"? Try saying it aloud 10 times really fast

*edited* There, fixed, I don't want to be accused of enabling your bad behavior and sizeism
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Can you guys stop posting that picture please?
This shouldn't be surprising, there's a whole women's magazine industry (Cosmopolitan, Cleo ect) built on retards in their 20's giving life advice on subjects of which they know next to nothing.
This thread is what I needed this am.

Fuck yeah, women are so stupid. Stupid useless women.
I see a lot of these articles popping up from female writers in their mid 20's giving "Sage" life advice. They're all horrible.

I shall update this thread as I see them

youre in your early 20s and try to give life advice.

In the comments:
"I did love him, but it was more of a friendly love. It wasn't enough to marry him. I'm sorry. My mistake."

Yeah. Whoopsie daisy.

I had a friend who spent over 60k on a wedding, flew people in from around the country, and had something like this happen to him a few days later with a similar line delivered.

For the sake of economy, you think they could make up their minds before the wedding, at least?
youre in your early 20s and try to give life advice.

"Wow what a tragedy, and imma let you finish, but enough of that, let me go ahead and deflect some attention away from this tragic death to myself for a paragraph or 2"
Fuck 99% of bloggers. You are never going to be famous and nobody gives a shit what you have to say.