Stop jumping to conclusions about this crazy situation


Sep 1, 2013
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Just wait until the dust settles, and everybody in the mix says what they need to say.

A lot of you guys are coming off as jackasses playing scooby doo and making assumptions. It's unnecessary and makes this forum look like its full of children (though maybe it is)
stop jumping to conclusions is the least likely thing to happen on sherdog. Ever.
it's a huge news story so speculation is normal.

Conor leaving the game in his prime and the obvious question of whether it is legit or whether it is a bargaining tactic is going to drum up interest.
Uh, this is the internets breh. Jumping to the most irrational conclusions for the sake of entertainment is what we do here.
Why post a new thread? You didn't offer anything different. Post this worthlessness in an existing thread so it can be easily ignored.
conor tried to call zuffas bluff and failed.

he lost his leverage when he lost to diaz and his ego is blind to that.
If legit, then the UFCs legitimacy is in serious trouble. If true, Conor played then, made millions and dipped out! Poured all the money into 1 fighter with hype, promos, game covers and a gifted title shot. CMG is a UFC built superstar who didn't deserve 3/4 of what he was given. 209 Stockton Slap ended all that and if the UFC falls apart it's their own fault
I believe in waiting for evidence before I accuse somebody else of anything. We will hopefully get all the details. Until then I'm neutral.

It appears they were playing chicken, and Conor turned out. LOL this is amazing.
An MMA internet forum is NOT the place for wild speculation about a major event in the MMA world?

Interesting viewpoint TS...
Just wait until the dust settles, and everybody in the mix says what they need to say.

A lot of you guys are coming off as jackasses playing scooby doo and making assumptions. It's unnecessary and makes this forum look like its full of children (though maybe it is)
The 24 hour news cycle is stupid. Read an article about it in a weeks time and it'll all make sense.
You saying it certainly isn't going to stop it from happening, but I agree. This is way to sudden, and shady as fuck. There's more to this than what we're being given.