Well I just got back. Fucking awesome, I loved it. In the beginning they had us go through a bunch of running and warm up drills which pretty much got me winded. After that Neto told me to go practice some submissions with this brown belt and other guy. He showed me americana, RNC, and armbar. Then they start sparring and told me to watch for a little. Then I got paired with a purple belt who went really easy on me. He gave me pointers of how to keep from getting swept from top position. I tried an arm triangle from side mount that I learned from and instructional and realized i would not tap this guy. Then he got me in an armbar and slowly yanked it. I decided not to tap unless it really hurts. It never really hurt at the moment but i tapped because I couldnt get out. He complimented my arm flexibility but told me to be careful and tap when rolling with other, I just replied saying that he was cranking slowly so i wanted to see how much I could endure. Then I took a break and drank some water and was like wtf why does my elbow hurt. It felt better after a little while. Then I went against a Blue belt who went considerably harder. He swept me and threw me around and told me how to escape mount. Then he told me that he could tell that i kinda knew what I was doing. The guy who taught me submissions said I catch on quick.
Heres the bad part.
I go in and the guy thought i was 19 I told him i wasnt so i called in my dad. The place required a 1 year contract or something and my dad got po'd and walked out. Im going to Leo Dalla soon and see how they do there.