SPRAWL shorts, can you customise them?


Yellow Belt
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
After I was lucky enough to get my pair of '06s from Steve @ SPRAWL, I've been thinking about having my own designs sewn or embroidered onto them, but I'm not sure how I'd have to have it done considering I wouldn't want it to unravel during grappling etc or in the wash.

Is it actually possible? Any tips, guys?
Sprawl embroider their logo on. many UFC fights that use Sprawl have embroidery and patches listing their sponsors. If you can find a decent tailor, dry cleaners or sewing shop and can provide them with a template most will be happy to do whatever you want for a fee.
set up fees run from $25-45 and then it's per piece if your getting a logo type thing done. If your just getting your name or something then there should be a fee.

cheapest way to get what you want on some fight clothes is to go with XFGear.com they put whatever you want on it and it really doesn't cost much at all. you don't get hit with the setup fees of the 25-45 dollar range on top of paying 35-45 for your gear. you'd get the total package for around 45 bucks. check them out
Well, if you guys are convinced that standard high-street embroidery should be good enough, provided they stitch tight enough, then I'll take them down to a shop next week and see what those old biddies can do with their sewing machines. Fingers crossed I end up with something cool!
If for some reason they can't do it (although to be honest give it isn't leather they should be)
go to a shoe repair shop and ask them. They use heavyweight sewing machines to secure leather together, the shorts should be no problem.
any embroidery shop can do your Sprawl shorts. I have attached a picture of SSF fighters Seph and Andrew Smith and you can see SSFgear.com embroidered on a pair of HCK shorts.
