Speed and powers beats precision and timing


Making that money, to get them honeys.
Dec 29, 2015
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You are going to tell me a guy who punches 1 1/2 times faster and punches like a Mac truck is going to be knocked out by someone who's only advantage is precision and accuracy? It happening. It's like the flash vs Quicksilver, Quicksilver might be more precise and accurate but when it comes to brute speed the Flash destroys him. All the flash has to do is harness the speed force and he can travel back in time when Quicksilver was a little baby and you know what that means? The same cant be said with Quicksilver.
You mean timing.

And this is a troll thread.

Ban OP.
ill take a great fighters words over yours, thats for damn sure

Not everything fighters say is gospel dude. They might be great at fighting but dont have all the secrets to the answer of fighting.
I'll rather hear you out and decipher for myself if what you say I agree with. Hey but Thats just me being logical and reasonable.
put it this way, id take Anderson Silva's timing and accuracy over a brawlers wild haymakers which might be more powerful and quicker but lack accuracy, timing and miss 3/4 of the time.
And you do?

I dont have all of them but thats why I like to congregate here to discuss these matters. Most of the wisedom I have gotten is from my Sherbros and I feel I am among an elite group of people that know more about fighting than your regular Joe.

Of course, if you're 10x faster than Bruce Lee with normal human strength, you'd wreck him.

Except nobody is 10x faster than Bruce Lee. This is real life TS, not comic books for 12-year-olds. Don't lash out just because your parents covered your eyes on international women's day in Deadpool.
power and timing beat precision and speed but speed and timing beat power and precision....Or was it the other way around
You are going to tell me a guy who punches 1 1/2 times faster and punches like a Mac truck is going to be knocked out by someone who's only advantage is precision and accuracy? It happening. It's like the flash vs Quicksilver, Quicksilver might be more precise and accurate but when it comes to brute speed the Flash destroys him. All the flash has to do is harness the speed force and he can travel back in time when Quicksilver was a little baby and you know what that means? The same cant be said with Quicksilver.
lol have you ever even heard of pre trt belfort? I remember Sakuraba even outstriking belfort.
You are literally the worst poster on this site and unlike most internet trolls it is blatantly obvious that you are a complete dickhead of a human being in real life also. Please, never post again.
You are going to tell me a guy who punches 1 1/2 times faster and punches like a Mac truck is going to be knocked out by someone who's only advantage is precision and accuracy? It happening.


Often it's the punch you don't see coming that does the most damage, hence the timing (not accuracy as you posted).

Speed & Power mean nothing if you cannot land the punch.
I love how this dork uses comic book characters as part of his argument.

Very convincing.