Here comes the STAPLER!!!

special needs they may be but (1) camera was held horizontally (2) quality short-bus over-acting and shit talking. nice mix of WWE and MMA.

7.5 / 10
I guess this is where the term retard strength originated from?
Herrrrrrrre comes the staaaaaplah
This is still the funniest thing I have seen in a while

From the HIIIIYAA kick to the HEADBUTTS to the double axehandle to the shit-talking while he is beating his ass

It seems like the special needs kid was the bully. Probably the funniest fight video I've ever seen.
teacher was killed and eaten just moments before the video starts
LMAO at him going full Haaiii Yaaa. Legend. <mma1>
I’ve had a nasty cold for a week and my wife came running in the room when she heard me have a nasty coughing fit.

It started when I heard the say “Here comes the stapler!” And I just couldn’t stop laughing and subsequently coughing
He’s the kind of kid who would only fight harder if tazed