Originally posted by GoldenDragon
since ur a boxer here is what i suggest:
keep a traditional boxing stance. keep ur hands a little higher up. dont worry about his low kicks or body kicks they prob wont hurt. expect some body hits, but most shots will be to the head. as soon as he throws a kick step in and do your thing.
sorry but all due respect, to assume a fighter at the national level can't hurt you is ignorant! he's a NATIONAL LEVEL FIGHTER! Any body whos hit that level has to thow kicks that can hurt or KO somebody. or why else do they get to be at the national level? if that was so i'd walk on to the Canadian olympic team right now even though i haven't trained in TKD for a year.
i live around T.O. too, whats the name of the guy, i'm just curious.
if it's WTF, he's gonna combo a lot in his kicks. it's not gonna be like MT where he's gonna throw a big nasty round. he's gonna chain at least 2 kicks together.
he's gonna be fast and move around a lot. dont thow singles because he'll shuffle back and counter with his own round.
if your good at a push kick use it you need to buy room and dictate the exchange.
shoot in with shuffling kicks to get in to hands range(he's not gonna be comfortable there or as least as much as kicking range), to avoid him stoping you with a side kick get in tight and work him. but watch for 2 things. the jumping back kick and the chop kick. this is what i would suggest to watch for:
to stop chop kicks is easy , jsut keep your guard up. if he's catches on he'll chop your collar bone. thats what i would do. it's a dirty trickin competition. it'll numb the arm and hurts like a bitch even with a chest guard.
jumping back kicks---> duck! bob and weave, your heads not set in one place then he can't get a good fix on it.
ok, to be honest if he's already pasted guys at your club and you said your an OK boxer. i'd say tell him your there to learn and work light.
your best chance of winning is changing to boxing

hehe second option is MT cuz he'll die in the clutch and leg kicks.
P.S. i live in your area, if you want you can PM me, if i got time i go a few rounds with you.
edit: i didn't read gregsters post ... so it's not jsut me saying watch for the chop/ax kicks and back kicks.