Sparring an NON-BOXER (boxing)

Update: Guy came back to train.
Well the dude rocked up again and we got talking.
Says he's done various stuff over the years (mainly kickboxing but some judo and), but has come in and out of training.
He been in the area for a while and wants to get back into training and is keen to learn some boxing.

I asked him how he found the sparring and he said "Hard as f*ck. I was getting killed". He said he'd never had to deal with so much fast jabbing and he couldn't get a clean shot going. (Which I took as a compliment to my footwork and head movement).

So anyway I tell him I've got to work with my coach and if he's keen I'll call him over later and we'll go three rounds.

This time his sparring was a lot better. I established my jab as before but this time he started to parry and (sometimes) return a jab of his own. Still caught him with a lot of 1-2 combo's and he had a bad habit of moving his head into my left hook too many times to count.

There were times when I could have offloaded some heavy shots onto exposed jawline but I this time I let him dictate the pace and get more in-the-zone, although I'd still mix up some combo's (was having success with a jab-lead uppercut - cross combo) just to keep him sharp.
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