Sore ribs from body shots?


Orange Belt
Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
So I took a couple of good shots to the body last Thursday in Muay Thai class and my ribs/right side are still pretty sore. It's frustrating because I want to get back in there and train but they haven't really improved... It doesn't hurt when I breathe or anything just when I move around or twist. In your experience what is the healing time like?
Tried search function but didn't get much...thanks
They are probably just bruised, few weeks tops as long as you don't injure it again. Longer if you fractured it, but you'd probably know if you did that cause that shit hurts.
Oh yeah good body shots will always leave you sore. The longer you do it the fast you recover, and the harder you have to be hit to really feel it the next day. Depending on how deep the bruise goes it can take a week to a month to go a way.
Keep training unless the pain is unbearable, but don't do things that will put strain on the ribs. If you're gonna spar, make sure the other guy knows that your hurt and tell him to go easy on the body shots. If you're gonna roll, let your partner know so that he doesn't put too much pressure on the hurt area.

If it's bad, avoid rolling/ sparring altogether, and just work technique on the pads/ bag/ etc
work techniques on heavy bags and stick to light sparring for a bit until it starts to heal.

dont rush healing time.
Thanks for the responses guys...

I had no idea it took so damn long to heal there, now I know to do a better job of protecting the body!

Anything you know of to speed up the healing? I've been popping a couple of Advil's for anti-inflamatory here and there.
yea just stick to light sparring, bag/mit work, and stretch em out. I had my ribs bruised which I had initially thought were broken, had to get x-rays. If they are just sore you should be fine because my bruised ribs were a pain, even when I took deep breaths.
What I do for bruising is:

Usual Cold/hot showers or packs (to circulate blood in/out)


Dit Da Jow /tiger balm, something that gives the burning sensation :D

I always manage to heal up my banged up blueish shins in about 5 days, in time for next week's lesson. Obviously it would take longer depending on the extent of brusing.

PS sounds like you and your partners are going quite hard?

hope some of this helps