Sometimes when don't stop believing by Journey comes on the radio I worry I'm going to die


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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this is a powerful song and oh my goodness it was coming on in the car today while I was driving I was singing right along and it was dark and foggy and weird out and I just had this feeling like what if I just like died randomly mid song

Oh man Does anybody else have this weird scary feeling when this awesome song plays

I drive with my hand on my chin to feel like an intellectual to the other drivers

I'm going to eat four pieces of chicken tonight

This parking lot is scary as hell

Looks like the type of location that would have a massage parlor.
When you look at the lyrics of the song, it's very insidious and dark.

He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlights, people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night
It has a Dark City feel. I think @Clippy you just cracked the code and we are living in a simulation.


Don't worry. You're twice the man Tony Soprano was, Clip. are dead. You are communicating with the real world through a tech that allows real life people to talk to dead people. Currently you can only communicate through forums. In the next 10 year they think you will be able to communicate by voice, 15 years for "video" and 20 years for VR.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you
The weight watchers and restaurant placement might actually be the result of a marketing genius. You've got overweight people heading into the restaurant seeing fit people toiling away on a treadmill. They might be inspired and join the gym. On the other hand, you've got people finishing an hour run on the treadmill that are now starving. Those restaurants are pretty convenient ways of quickly satiating their hunger. If the food is good, I'd imagine you will have plenty of fat-to-fit and fit-to-fat customers at both. are dead. You are communicating with the real world through a tech that allows real life people to talk to dead people. Currently you can only communicate through forums. In the next 10 year they think you will be able to communicate by voice, 15 years for "video" and 20 years for VR.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you