some kind of clavice injury


Brown Belt
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
When I do chest day after like the first exercise the end my collarbonenear my shoulder starts to pop and hurt alot. It's like a sharp pain but not too sharp to really cringe. I thought it was a shoulder problem at first but it doesnt hurt on shoulder day, and it probably would when the delt contracts if its shoulder. This has been goin on for like many years and i got it checked and he said that there was nothing wrong he could see. But clearly something is wrong or it wouldnt hurt and pop. Anyone have any idea what this could be, my theory is that the end of my clavicle is subluxing.
Go to a different doctor.
Go to a different doctor.

Shoulders suck! I had a similar prob with mine last year, worked through it and thought it was better. Now I'm almost 4 months out of surgery and 10 # overhead is a big accomplishment for me. :redface:
Get yours taken care of right and learn from my stupidity.

Shoulder day?

Chest day?

I would like to see your routine.
Shoulder day?

Chest day?

I would like to see your routine.

back,chest,legs,shoulders,arms---monday through friday, and core i do like a few times a week at the end of workouts.
i got it checked and he said that there was nothing wrong he could see.

Go to someone with better eye sight.

Seriously though, I'd get a second opinion and if possible go to an orthopedic surgeon. That might require a referral depending on your insurance. It really could be a number of different issues and diagnosing it over the internet would be like picking it out of a deck of cards.
Go to someone with better eye sight.

Seriously though, I'd get a second opinion and if possible go to an orthopedic surgeon. That might require a referral depending on your insurance. It really could be a number of different issues and diagnosing it over the internet would be like picking it out of a deck of cards.

Ya it was an orthopedic surgeon, i got an x-ray and a MRI, and still he said nothing was wrong.
Ya it was an orthopedic surgeon, i got an x-ray and a MRI, and still he said nothing was wrong.

That's surprising but any thing is possible.

I've had bad orthopedic guys before. Just for an example... I went to one orthopedic surgeon and he reviewed my MRI in about 30 seconds. He then told me that my problem was bone spurs and that I shouldn't ever box again. This guy was a dick and I argued with him for a bit until I basically just walked out of his office. I then went to another ortho and he told me that I'd torn my labrum and that I'll be fine after surgery... the second guy was right... the first guy needs to have his license removed. I don't think his diagnosis could have been farther from the truth considering the fact that I didn't even have bone spurs.

Another example, I went to a general surgeon for a sports hernia (both my MD and ortho suspected I had one). He told me there was nothing wrong with me and that I was basically being a pussy and he refused to do any other testing or surgery. I went to another general surgeon and he told me that I most definitely had a sports hernia and then he followed up with a positive ultrasound to prove it. I had surgery to repair it and he said it was one of the worst tears he'd ever seen. Wow, talk about a different diagnosis.

My only reason for giving you these examples is to prove that there are a LOT of shit doctors out there... just like any profession, you have people that are good and people that shouldn't be doing it at all. Get a second opinion and if you're not comfortable with it, get a third. You know there's something wrong so find someone who'll help you.

And yes, I've been injured a LOT :redface:
That's surprising but any thing is possible.

I've had bad orthopedic guys before. Just for an example... I went to one orthopedic surgeon and he reviewed my MRI in about 30 seconds. He then told me that my problem was bone spurs and that I shouldn't ever box again. This guy was a dick and I argued with him for a bit until I basically just walked out of his office. I then went to another ortho and he told me that I'd torn my labrum and that I'll be fine after surgery... the second guy was right... the first guy needs to have his license removed. I don't think his diagnosis could have been farther from the truth considering the fact that I didn't even have bone spurs.

Another example, I went to a general surgeon for a sports hernia (both my MD and ortho suspected I had one). He told me there was nothing wrong with me and that I was basically being a pussy and he refused to do any other testing or surgery. I went to another general surgeon and he told me that I most definitely had a sports hernia and then he followed up with a positive ultrasound to prove it. I had surgery to repair it and he said it was one of the worst tears he'd ever seen. Wow, talk about a different diagnosis.

This is the kinda shit where you should name and shame (and if possible, humiliate on a national basis lol) people man. I'm so sick of people just being plain damn wrong in their so called "professions" and still making obscene amounts of money on a yearly basis for doing it. This is a much more serious level of docs who don't know stuff, for example I'm sure people like KK or one of hte other knowledgable guys from the Diet & Nutrition forum could school them all damn day long.