Some Crazy Amazon And Jeff Bezos Facts About His Wealth

Almost sounds like a joke see this stuff.

Jeff parents invested 245,000 in his company in 1995 and that investment is worth 40 billion today.

Jeff needs to spend 28 million a day just so he does not get any wealthier.

Jeff's parents are one of the 50 richest people on the planet.
Jeff's stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.
Almost sounds like a joke see this stuff.

Jeff parents invested 245,000 in his company in 1995 and that investment is worth 40 billion today.

Jeff needs to spend 28 million a day just so he does not get any wealthier.

Jeff's parents are one of the 50 richest people on the planet.
Jeff's stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.
Almost sounds like a joke see this stuff.

Jeff parents invested 245,000 in his company in 1995 and that investment is worth 40 billion today.

Jeff needs to spend 28 million a day just so he does not get any wealthier.

Jeff's parents are one of the 50 richest people on the planet.
Jeff's stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.
Almost sounds like a joke see this stuff.

Jeff parents invested 245,000 in his company in 1995 and that investment is worth 40 billion today.

Jeff needs to spend 28 million a day just so he does not get any wealthier.

Jeff's parents are one of the 50 richest people on the planet.
Jeff Bezos' stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.
I dont understand why other retailers cannot cut in on Amazon's market share. Walmart, Target, Chain pharmacies, B&N all can do online orders.

And what is even stranger is, we used to have something called mail order catalogs. That is pretty much equivalent to online retailer except you dont use paper. Yet despite mail order catalogs, brick and mortar stores still became a thing. And now the opposite is happening.
Walmart is trying and putting up a decent fight so far.

The challenge was that the investment community up until recently saw all the legacy casts tied to Brick and Mortar as a huge negative. So Amazon and other retailers were getting massive valuations and much cheaper capital despite having a fraction of the sales and profits of stores like Walmart. That cheaper capital makes the business more profitable even when there cost of goods sold is higher than someone like Walmart.

However that is now swinging back the other way ironically because of Amazon now showing through the purchase of Whole Foods that having established and community based Logistic and Distribution Centres is of huge benefit. And no one does logistics and distribution better than Walmart. That is how they crushed the prior giant retailers like Kmart.

So Walmart is spending tons to compliment that infrastructure with strong online presence targeted at their typical consumer which has some cross over but not a ton of over lap with the typical Amazon customer who tends to be more wealthy.
You tell me.
Only if he knew me. I'd help him out with his problem for a day.
Almost sounds like a joke see this stuff.

Jeff parents invested 245,000 in his company in 1995 and that investment is worth 40 billion today.

Jeff needs to spend 28 million a day just so he does not get any wealthier.

Jeff's parents are one of the 50 richest people on the planet.
Jeff Bezos' stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.
Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and countless others should send everyone on the planet a check for $100 for selling our information.
Not Google.

Email accounts used to cost money. Most of us ended up getting email accounts as part of our ISP package, so every time you switched to a new provider you'd lose that email address.

Google comes along and gives you the best email service in history for free. Then they give you the Android OS for free. Then they give you Google docs, sheets, sides, etc, so you don't need to buy MS office. Then they give you Google drive so you don't have to pay for cloud service.

All they ask in return is that they get to collect data on you, and they've always been very up front and honest about what they collect, unlike those lying bastards at Facebook.

So Google's not doing on me. They're trading with me, and I think I'm getting an incredible deal in return.
that warehouse sounds like a crappy place to work I have watched a few youtube vids from ex workers. their boss used to time their bathroom visits,wtf that doesn't even sound legal.
Technically that's why they implemented the 2 breaks and a lunch rule, so you not only get a few minutes to relax, but you also get a chance to use the restroom every 2 hours.

Most employers are nice enough to not hassle their employees about using the restroom when they're not on break, but as with most things, a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. There are people at my work that leave their station for over an hour and go hide in the bathroom. I can understand why companies feel the need to start timing that shit.
Jeff's stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.

Jeff's stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.

Jeff's stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.

Jeff Bezos' stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.

Jeff Bezos' stepfather/adoptive father, Miguel "Mike" Bezos, is a Cuban immigrant. He might be the richest Latino in America.

That fifth post, about one hour apart from the others, really drove this point home. Excellent work.
I used to work for amazon for 5 years, and actually tested and delivered item to his house a half dozens times. Never made into the main house. I would go to the gate, then wait for security to verify I was suppose to be there. I then drove to a special staging area, near a garage and security building. They would check out underneath the truck and do extra security checks before I could get out. I would then usually speak with wither head of security, or his house manager. First time I ever went there, they used a fake name, and It took me 2 times before I realized it was the boss man testing out his new pet project. His first orders I brought, at 3am mind you, was frozen white castle hamburgers, 3 kiwis, and shaving cream.
does anyone know where his stepfather/adoptive father is from and is he wealthy?
That fifth post, about one hour apart from the others, really drove this point home. Excellent work.
It was the technical failure of the board the other day that caused excessive double posts across the board. Still funny, though. :D
That doesn’t make sense. How would they tax you more than you actually got? That’s the only reason someone would have to do that. They probably sold them because they’re the fucking Buffalo Bills.

It makes totla sense. Bills sell for $1.2B. Taxes are a portion of that, which the family cannot cover.