So you're walking down the street...

Would you do it?

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Señor Moderator
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Jan 12, 2015
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Now what would you do if a woman approached you who had terminal cancer and offered you 500k to have sex with her as no one wants to do it with her because of her condition.

You have to do everything she says but no one will ever know.

She has 4 months to live

Pretty much the chick from Fight Club.


What say you?
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Is this a trick question?
I got an old lady so id say I cant. If i was single id totally lend a dick for some adult make a wish.
Seeing that cancer isn't spreadable disease, I see no reason to turn down 500k.
As long as I get to wear a condom....I dont. Want to get cancer too.
I'm single, so yes. I'd give her a second time for free, because I'm nice like that.
You can't give cancer to another person...

Free 500k

Cancer is not contagious.
Why would you say no? You don't give an age or description, she could be a bombshell and have just received the news for all we know.

as no one wants to do it with her because of her condition

What kind of condition is she in?
Edit the OP a, she has 4 months to live
Like the broad in Fight Club? I'd fuck her after a couple beers, just out of the goodness of my heart. Nobody could touch that good deed
Married. But so long as she's not hideous, shouldn't be that hard to find a partner for free.
Like the broad in Fight Club? I'd fuck her after a couple beers, just out of the goodness of my heart. Nobody could touch that good deed
Exactly like the chick from Fight Club lol, I watched it last night so that's where I got the idea.
Yeah, easiest decision ever. I'm married too but my wife would be ok with it.
Seeing that cancer isn't spreadable disease, I see no reason to turn down 500k.
extremely rare, but there are exceptional cases where humans have gotten cancer directly from another human.

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