So what happens after COVID-19?

In Canada we will see increased taxes on anyone earning over 30k.
Carbon tax will go up and into general revenue.
Higher tax rates on dividends, corporate tax rates go way up.
Provincial sales taxes go up.
Everyone's standard of living goes down.
1. More remote work and social distancing becoming the norm even after the crisis

2. Government will impose austerity measures to reduce the massive debt they incurred. This may lead to prolonged recession like the Great Depression, except we have better safety nets.

3. Countries will stockpile more medical supplies as reserve.

4. Countries will be looking to blame each other and shift responsibilities away from themselves. China and US are already engaged in a war of words. We will see further polarization of world power into camps, and possibly a new Cold War.

5. International organizations such as WHO and WTO will get sidelined, as they become victims of political jockeying between countries for strategic dominance.
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1. Corporatalism over small businesses. Family run restaurants, bars, and hardware stores will be replaced by Applebee's and Wal-Mart.

2. Companies will keep personel small (call it streamlined) and wages will be slightly lower.

3. More students (kids and university students) will simply switch to online classes. Khan Academy and will have a surge that will continue.

4. The respect for blue-collar work will continue. Technical schools will be more in demand compared to liberal arts.

5. Amazon will get even bigger.

6. More movies that open on online platforms, rather than at a theater.

7. Social distancing sports like archery, fishing, and golf will become more popular.

8. Investments into indoor farming will increase. People want to be in control of the production a "bad season" is no longer tolerable.

9. Bidets become more popular in the US.

10. Home gyms and web-based workout groups will be the norm.
A more cynical list:

- the amount of political ballyhoo during the next Olympics will be unbearable to watch.

- more "it's for your own good" laws coming our way.

- drastic cuts in foreign aide

- we become more introverted.

- even more fanatic defending/blaming the political party we "belong to".

- obesity levels rise as we become more isolated, panic buy food, and work more from home on a screen.

- feeling cut off from the world increases the depression levels on a broader scale.
More positive list:

- less pollution.

- increase in songbirds in backyards

- wildlife returns.

- more people start gardening and take pride in what they can grow.

- Puzzles and logic games clubs pop-up.

- more reading based activities at elementary age.
What's next after Covid-19? From what I've seen, China's unhealthy disease ridden markets are back in business and are already working on the next big thing. Probably be seeing Covid-20 this fall.
COVID-20, alien invasion, meteors.
massive push for automation across all industries. Relying on humans for work flow is now proven to be dangerous. The wealthier Americans are no longer going to tolerate people providing goods and services. This will create a massive class of permanently unemployed.