So what about Weidman ? Did he defeat old retiring fighters or he is GOAT potential ?

psychodad atleast has a point. hes not like darkhawks or that comeback guy who will say this guy is goat without any reason and ignore facts. He talks about silva not being goat because hes a cheater which many people agree with don't be mad cause you don't agree. Silva shouldn't get special treatment if fedor gsp or jones got randomly tested and failed everyone would be wondering if they used there entire career to. lol especially in silvas case where he used it against a barely top 5 WW and even stated a year before getting caught that anyone caught on steroids has probably used for along time and shouldn't fight anymore

You don't have to test positive for people to wonder about you in a combat sport

Drug testing in MMA is a joke

People keep mentioning cycling and Lance...what they don't realize is how easily those guys beat testing with some of the strictest testing u are going to find in competition

Point being...weidman and everyone else is likely cheating too
He won't be GOAT since he is too old and injured too often to go on a big run like GSP/Andy/Fedor/Jones/Aldo. I see him defending three more times max before his injuries catch up to him.