animal mother
what exactly is the policy on banned members returning under differenct accounts? i was under the impression that those who were banned were to stay banned. some clarification from an admin please.
Originally posted by Fredricks
VOD was the one who knew about Sexy Beast. Does Blue even want to come back? If he does I say hell yeah but if not then why worry
Originally posted by Fredricks
VOD was the one who knew about Sexy Beast. Does Blue even want to come back? If he does I say hell yeah but if not then why worry
Originally posted by Jack Putz
and which vet is GomerPileDriver?
Originally posted by GomerPiledriver
This will be the last time I address this query. I am not a vet. While it is certainly up for debate that I am a jackass, thats not quite the same thing.
I've perused the forum for a while as a "guest" and finally decided to register. I found the Sherdog site through reading MMA.tv. Specifically about the highlight videos.
Also the sherdog shop has a wide selection of DVD's for sale.
Originally posted by RightintheFace
I think the real question is, when is all this shit gonna end? Fuck, Schlecht could get banned, and there'd be some fucking whiny person saying "Schlecht wasn't so bad, the mods suck, let him back in". People would call him a "victim of the system" in their sigs, "FREE SCHLECHT" avs would pop up, and the fact that he fucking sucks would be completely lost. Having said that, I say we ban Schlecht and test my theory.
Originally posted by animal mother
I see good things from this guy.
Originally posted by ruffneck119
Same here, he knows how to research well. But, he also claims a bit too much.
Someone take him under your wing and then let him out on a forum member he doesn't know much about.