So about that blatant eye gouge last night. That made Paul Harris bluff.

It was very bad and that ref should be fired for letting him get away with it.Whats fucked up is they gave them fotn so Leech even got a bonus.It should all went to Jake.Fuck Leech.
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That ref should be fined and suspended. That was the most blatant gouge I've seen in the UFC.
Paul Harris often Bluffs with the eye gouge then goes for a leg lock.
anyone who has been in a tight gilloteen knows going for the eyes is kind of a natural instinct. no biggie, it was the heat of the moment
That ref should be fined and suspended. That was the most blatant gouge I've seen in the UFC.
What was hilarious was the ref noticed him doing it and tried to shoo his hand away, yet issued no verbal warning and deducted no point even though Matthews was cut and bleeding afteward.
What was hilarious was the ref noticed him doing it and tried to shoo his hand away, yet issued no verbal warning and deducted no point even though Matthews was cut and bleeding afteward.

Yep, completely. You could here the ref acknowledge what was happening, yet he did absolutely nothing. That should be a suspension of his licence.
anyone who has been in a tight gilloteen knows going for the eyes is kind of a natural instinct. no biggie, it was the heat of the moment

Yeah that seems fair enough. If you're caught in a triangle it's a natural instinct to rip someone's nut sack off as well, no biggie.
Yeah that was absolutely terrible. Dude should have been DQd on the spot. He was going out and he blatantly did it to survive.
This has comedy gold written all over it. What exactly was buffing about though?
if you start a thread like this without gif/video/pic you should have to step on a lego