SNL's Bias...

good, at least one entity needs to. it's utterly ridiculous this man was able to completely bypass any and all media vetting to get to where he is all because he brought them ratings.

he still hasn't shown his tax returns, still hasn't fleshed out any real policies, all of his scandals and completely disgusting behavior gets thrown under the rug, and he gets treated with kids gloves in any and every interview he does. and the troglodite trump supporters march on like he should be treated with respect like any other candidate.
I'm beginning to think you're not a Trump supporter...
Fuck the mainstream media.

Trump nailed Hillary's greedy, self focused intentions when he said that Hillary's slogan is I Am With Her which indicates her intention to run as President is all about her ambition. Trump's slogan is I Am With You which mean he is running for the people and the country.
Hollywood donates $17 Million to Hillary Clinton, of course they are biased
So, because you don't believe SNL is funny, no one else should enjoy it?

I've been watching for years now, and I enjoy the majority of the cast...I don't recall it being this biased, though. They've literally called Trump a racist in their skits...over and over again. Granted, he's ruffled a few feathers with his remarks, but disagreeing with illegal immigration is apparently racist now.

Here's an be the judge...

What did I say that made to seem like you shouldn't enjoy it? I think most WOULDNT, not shouldn't. Lol either way is fine to me.

Yeah, I remember it with bush, like it was yesterday. They always make republicans into clowns. I thought it was well known.
It's really really really really easy to make fun of Trump. That was so unbelievably unfunny, I'm serious, me and another Sherdog poster could come up with better material than that.
Every recent episode of SNL has unrelentingly pissed all over Trump.

The video below is rather recent, but just the tip of the iceberg.

Listen, I'm not into politics, and I honestly feel that those who are, and try their hardest to stick to one side, will always miss the forest for the trees.

I don't trust Trump, and to me, Hillary equals 4-8 more years of BO. But of all places, you'd think NY, with it's history of being attacked, would crave a president who may actually stick to his guns and heavily monitor certain groups.

Anywho, I'd love to hear your take on this...please try and keep it simple for us laymen, thanks.

At the end of this vid, Michael Che states "join us next time at the DNC, where guest speakers will be BO, Biden...and other people you'd wish were running for president!" I'm speechless.

Every comedian will tell you that some presidents provide better comedic material than others. Bush provided a lot, Obama, less. This isn't necessarily politically related.
Every comedian will tell you that some presidents provide better comedic material than others. Bush provided a lot, Obama, less. This isn't necessarily politically related.

Obama's entire presidency was one big joke.
The last 6 people watching SNL are Hospital patients unable to reach the remote and that's just what's on.

I'm sure SNL's last 6 viewers can also see the bias as well.
in all fairness their interpretation of Hillary is not completmentary at all. They make her out to be a complete lying phony that panders to any group for votes.