Movies Snatch or Fight Club - Which Brad Pitt acting performance is his best? (The Finals)

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Takes Two To Tango

The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Why just them performances? My two faves are inglorious basterds and once upon a time hollywood..

BP is a HUNK btw, I bet he has an account right here on sherdog.
Snatch is a better movie but I felt Fight Club was a more challenging role.
Why just them performances? My two faves are inglorious basterds and once upon a time hollywood..

BP is a HUNK btw, I bet he has an account right here on sherdog.
They were up but for some dumb reason they lost.

Col Aldo Rayne > Mickey the Pikey any fuckin day bro
This shit makes me wanna watch IB again right now.
Snatch and it’s not close for me.
I love Snatch but he is just one of many characters in that in fight club he is a co-star a much larger role.
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Why just them performances? My two faves are inglorious basterds and once upon a time hollywood..

BP is a HUNK btw, I bet he has an account right here on sherdog.
Never noticed it before cuz I'm not a full blown gay but now that your bring it to my attention for totally the first time ever he is quite the handsome man
I love Snatch but he is just one of many characters in that in fight club he is a co-star a much larger role.
Right. Snatch is a better movie but his part in Fight Club was basically carrying half the movie.
Snatch is one of the best movies. That Pikey talk was hilarious.