There is really not a lot to say on the matter of the group of banned posters.
Regardless of what I say here, some will still be pissed and think it's a conspiracy or the product of poor or over zealous modding.
The choice was to either continue to let a few posters disrupt and sub-forum and derail every thread in addition to fielding fabricated reports involving staff members whom they do not get along with or remove them and move on.
The amount of complaints I received either via email or handed down to me from the parent company far outweighed theirs and when users in their PM conversation start reporting and sending screencaps of their nefarious plans for the forums to me, there is really not a lot of wiggle room, especially considering they have all been asked and in some cases pleaded with to desist as no one really wanted it to get to this point and the response was "just ban me then" and apparently being defiant on a online forum was more important that their accounts
And yes, the "Mexicant" comment from Madmick has been sent to me for the last 8 months since he posted it and yes, I pulled his mod card for 30 days as the parent company was not happy either and there have not been any further issues and as Mick has modded what is historically the worst place on the Sherdog forums without incident for a decade, I was inclined to let him back after his suspension and that was the end of it, despite numerous emails sent with all sorts of different stories regarding it, but unlike those who were banned, Mick took the warning and moved on and learned from it.
Dealing with the fallout from this is far better than continuing to be pelted with hourly complaints and requests to clean up the war room.
The edict from above has been to simply get rid of the place and end any complaints or future problems, but much as I did with the OT, I'd rather tweak the rules and keep it around as I am aware for those of you who visit this place, it's a home of sorts and you genuinely enjoy it, the same way I enjoy the OT, but when constant issues continue to go up the chain and to myself, the question generally gets asked "why let a political discussion area cause so many problems?" and I am running out of reasons to deflect at this point
The other 2 options were to either move it to Mayberry where it would follow lighter rules and likely die off, or put in the OT and let it be a free for all, which would also likely kill the place so I chose the best option which would keep the War Room around.
I don't post in here
This is not an attack on the left or right or whatever, this was simply about responding to continuous complaints and reports of forums raids and posters trying to continually start shit with far too much free time on their hands and generally making the War Room a pain in the ass to moderate and to post in.
Numerous warnings were ignored along with infractions and if they want to sit it out for a while I will be happy to listen to them a while from now regarding bringing their accounts back.
I have a 5 page thread in the booth that has been going for months regarding this which is WAAAAY too much and indicitave of how many second chances they have had and how long it was let go.
Not going to debate this for hours.
It's done and time to move on
Any of the banned posters are welcome to email me directly to discuss it